LMBO: CNN "poll" shows 5% of Trump supporters are switching to Harris

People voting for Trump are more than just MAGA base. You don’t think there are any “soft” Trump supporters - like any other political candidate in history ? In short, those voting for him at least somewhat reluctantly and susceptible to be persuaded to change their minds.

what would she offer that he didnt?

Not 80 years old.

he’s not 80 and as we’ve learned, unless there was a stammer problem in his youth, that doesnt matter.

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I’d wager a lot of those (but obviously not all) are pro-choice suburban women who were concerned about Biden’s age and cognitive skills.

If your number one concern(s) are economy and immigration, you’re probably sticking with Trump.

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right. age and abortion

i heard about the memo

Lol oh ok he’s 78 and yammering about the fine Hannibal Lecter and boats and electric batteries and currents and showerheads ok grandpa.


CNN: Math is hard…

Where are the 5% of Biden’s former supporters going?

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Third party, and I think it’s more than 5%.

The only chance Trump voters go to Harris is if they were once Biden supporters that wouldn’t vote for a vegetable. I’m not sure many of those people exist. But actual Trump supporters switching to Harris, probably not even 1.


Thinking about it, the only people who were supporting Biden who would not support Harris are the complete idiots who somehow believed the spin that Biden was a moderate. The out in the open hard left turn would be too much for them. People who were voting for Biden because they hate Trump, will vote for Harris too. People who were voting for Biden because of the “D” will vote for Harris too. Leftists and liberals will vote for Harris too. That pretty much leaves the dupes who still believe Biden was a moderate. Do the dupes go to a nutcase liberal like RFK? or to Trump? Maybe they just stay home.

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but you ignored the “i like the kids on my lap” with the “hairy legs” in the sun etc

dont act you dont like it

some non-stupid people see what you do

troll by acting dumb approach. gold lol


keep up the good work

This is not going to help them.

anybody with a brain already realizes that overturning Roe did not make abortion illegal.


um…. true but they dont rely on smarts though. they rely on joy behar

there is no clarity of independent thought. only programming

This blows my mind. I’m starting to become less naive- but maybe part of that is seeing what’s going on in the economy and comparing to what they’re saying.

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:

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That image needs to be spread like wildfire. They’re already sanitizing and scrubbing articles from January stating she’s the border czar.

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Border? I know nothing about any border. I was on the Eastern Front.