LIVE: Trump Rally in Phoenix Az 10-28-20

Biden looks like he just saw a kid he wanted to sniff.

That was about as rude as you can be as a politician. She is running for her political life. And the British guy gets most of her time. Trump is such a ass.

So, how much time did the president spend bragging about how the Dow Jones numbers are doing these days?

One can only hope because there is some serious crimes going on and I just can’t believe the American people living a much better life these past 4 years even with covid who polled 56% that their lives are better then it was 4 years ago will vote against an Administration that made that possible.

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That was one poll. Also in that same poll only 34% of them thought that AMERICA is better than it was 4 years ago. A lot of us care as much about our fellow countrymen as we do about ourselves. And we know the reason why America is worse off today than it was 4 years ago, and will use our vote as our voice.

I’m assuming it’s because she failed to properly worship him at her debate. He has the object permanence of a parrot except where cable news is concerned.

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V-shaped recovery.

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I think it’s because she’s probably going to lose, and he knows it, and the association makes him recoil. It’s not like she’d have any intrinsic worth to him.

You should poll the quarter million dead Americans families and ask them if they are doing better now then four years ago.

The SUPER V shaped.