LIVE STREAM: President Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Charlotte, NC 10-26-18


Naw. He has a regular ball cap under his MAGA hat. Two MAGA hats would be funnier though.

Did he really just suggest getting rid of the internet in order to protect the border?

Just now? I have it on mute.

Rats, too bad.

Yeah. Something along the lines of human trafficking being the worst it’s ever been because of the internet and how it would be great if we could get rid of the internet

Before or after he calls all the women in attendance beautiful?

Two MAGA hats would be MEGAMAGA. Or MAGAMEGA, although someone might confuse the MEGA for Make England Great Again. Or Make Ethiopia Great Again, but no one cares about that ■■■■■■■■ anyways.

Sometimes a man’s gotta be more than just a man. In Trumpistan that’s called


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Yeah, but it’s all in good fun! Ted should butch up and learn to take a joke. He always looks so cowed around Donald.

Space Force!!!

Trump is going to build a wall around the internet and make the data stream pay for it

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He’s weak and cowardly. He’d have someone else body slam me.

And pay their lawyer fees.

That’s debatable, since he often doesn’t pay his own.

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I went to a campaign rally in 2016. It was pretty depressing.

Yea, so dude. Was it in Mosinee?

These rallys are like lumberjack Trump, chopping down Democrat trees so that people can see the forest. :sunglasses:

Its more like the zoo keeper tossing fish to the barking seals.


Libs wish they were as manly as Trump is. I bet every woman in the audience got wet when he told them how beautiful they are.