LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Rochester, MN 10/4/18

I like Donald Trump. He’s a real standup guy. The accusations about his affairs are fake news. Kavanaugh is being targeted by liberal elites and female liars. He never assaulted, raped, or wagged his penis in the face of any woman. His rallies are so good that I feel the need to donate to the people who do his live streams. I’m now a Republican.


I’m fine with that. I can praise Trump all day long. Isn’t he fantastic? He’s better than a tuna sandwich, even if you don’t like tuna.

In fact, Trump is better than a tuna sandwich even if you add paprika, which everyone knows is the secret ingredient, to it.

All hail the master. Oh, and donate.

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Our nation was on the verge of collapse before the great and powerful and big-handed Trump came along to save us all. All hail the Master. Swooooooooon. :heart:

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Once you’ve swooned, you can’t swoon again, because you’re still on the floor. The second swoon is a temporary nap, or you’re in the throes of ecstasy, which is understandable. Trump has the Zeus glow. You can’t not look at him.

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Huh, these ■■■■■■■■■ posts are acceptable under forum guidelines apparently, but honesty is a TOS violation.

I’ve got to rewire my brain.

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I believe so too. Trump voters are just like Trump.

Won’t that be rough on you considering the inflammatory and hyperbolic thread titles that are automatically generated by the Site?

Don’t attack other users, keep it clean, and if you reply to a violation your reply gets deleted as well

Huh, looks like need need another thread about “social media censorship” so we can bask in the glory of the disparity.

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The title was a trolling title. Two options. Merge it with one that was a troll title or delete the entire thread.

Maybe I should be like the fired cops and flip a coin :smiley:

As long as your civil to other guests on the board, and keep it clean, go ahead.

Just no trolling while doing it.

It was an accurate title. These rallies are little more than commercials for Trump to be blasted across State run TV. It seems very unreasonable.

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That all sounds completely reasonable.

Is it now acceptable under forum guidelines to post live streams of political events continuously requesting donations for Planned Parenthood?

Or are live streams requesting donations in support of Donald Trump the only acceptable variety?

If it is a legitimate rally by a democratic presidential candidate, or other politician in office by all means post a link to the rally. But read that sentence very close before you do.

Can you show me the section of the forum guidelines that says that? Please and thank you.

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how many times will he lie tonight.

It’d be easier to ask how many times he’ll tell the truth.

This is a political board. If it’s a political rally it can be linked to.

If it’s just a link to PP begging for donations, they can purchase advertising to have a link to it.

By the way, BLM and Antifa both on occasion do live streams for current politicians in office. In those streams, I have seen an occasional appeal for donations.

Maybe we could open up a subforum here for these sorts of appeals.

not really its common for thread to be merged, look at the last rally thread majority of it is people making fun of Trump and what he was saying.