LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Richmond, KY 10/13/18

We’re following the our great president’s example. We’re talking a lot.

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There are now 320000000 people outside the stadium staring silently at blank, gigantic flat-screen TVs.

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Was this rally covered live at Fox News?
By the way, I ate chilli burger at Tommy’s last night.

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I’m being one. Had no power since Thursday and spent my day rebuilding our front fence.

They cover a little of the rallies now on Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham.

Your burger: Akashic memory

Maybe President Trump should have come over and fixed it for you? Write a letter to the NYT.

We are fine, thanks for asking.

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Those kinds of weather disasters can be very trying. Must be Trump’s fault. He didn’t stop the hurricane.

See how ridiculous it sounds? The anti Trump crowd in real life are obsessed with blaming Trump, true geniuses.

Good thing literally no one on earth is blaming Trump for the hurricane. It’s just lousy leadership and bad optics to continue to nurse his ego at completely pointless rallies while one is happening.


I wish it was true no one was blaming Trump. The hysteria is rampant. Look at this thread. People in the mass media are completly wacko.

Nothing remained for Trump to do in preparation for the hurricane. He and his administration were way ahead of it and everything possible is being done. It was handled and is being handled. The rabid Trump hate is insane, not only on the internet, but in all leftist enclaves. Snowflakes beyond redemption. It’s truly programmed hate. Mind controlled.

Sean Hannity tells it like it is.

Do Sean Laura and Tucker wear their MAGA hats while talking about these rallies? Do they start chanting Lock Her Up on TV?

Trump has no idea what a hammer or nail looks like. He’s never sweat in his life

Glad you guys are ok. Sorry there are some who seem insensitive to what you guys are going through.

Well, considering that’s his job, then yes, maybe he should have.

But I understand that he had rallies to attend.

I absolutely love his show, never miss an episode, but does he really ever tell it how it is?

He himself would admit that it’s not his job to tell it how it is. He has repeated hundreds of times that he is not a journalist. A journalist, especially one from the New York Times or the Washington Post, probably the two most respected newspapers on the planet, would tell is how it is. He isn’t a journalist.

He is doing something else, of course, and for his performance on television he deserves all of the popularity that he gets.

Personally, I can’t stop watching.

Bootstraps, I guess.

And golf…

I love the Dumpster Donnie Reality Hour! Just wish he’d make some new episodes. The repeats are getting boring.

The best ever was Obama’s campaign idea, " The Obama Event Registry"! Any upcoming birthday, wedding, or anniversary etc they wanted you to ask for a donation money “in lieu of a gift.”