LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Richmond, KY 10/13/18

Has Kanye joined Trump on stage yet to dedicate a song to Loverboy Trump’s new love interest Kim? Have they found anyone who can broadcast in over to NK so the fine citizens of Kim’s regime can hear it?

Is there going to be a break in the rally schedule any time soon to allow Trump to pass out paper towels in Florida?

Was that the first or the second?

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All is already being done. Just leftist talking points and propaganda. What are you doing for the people hit by Hurricane Michael?

Remembering the good 'ol days.


Still waiting for those damn FISA warrants!!

Better yet, Trump can hold a rally for all the people in Florida who lost their homes. Hearing Trump prattle on about how great he is should cheer them up.

I contributed to the Red Cross. You?

Next time you are at Tommys Burgers, you can ask those guys standing on the corner.

Isnt that the place accused of using Cat Meeat?

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Mkaes me wanna jump for joy!

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Not that I know of. I’m a non-activist vegan.

Do you mix cat meat with poi? Or is it mongoose stew? Slow business today?

French Fried centipede legs?


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R u having a vision?

Do u really care?

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omg. I know exactly where that’s from.

I want a new season.

Youtube warning.

I love ERB.

That looks terrible.

This is still hilarious.

Youtube warning.

It’s kind of funny knowing they wrote this prior to the election, and the fact that they completely expected Hillary to win. They had no idea what was coming. And it turns out they quit making these videos after this was done.