LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Lebanon, OH 10/12/18


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Sure it is right when Trumpā€™s wall will be finished

i was going to watch it live on fox.

oh snapā€¦

Trump doesnā€™t like Cruz. Heā€™s dangling him by the tail like he did to Christie and Romney.

Canā€™t blame Trump there.

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To be fair Cruz never stood a chance. Trump only likes people who use anti aircraft battery and mortars and nerve gas to execute family. Kim, Putin, etc. Now if Cruze where to finally come out as zodiac killer he might get a his chance

Cheapest on Amazon. I bought 8.

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Does donating our time typing on this forum count? My cats still need to eat!

When the LAva was flowing on the Island of Hawaiā€™i my business and others bought a bunch of essentials,(Diapers, Water, etc) and sent a big container over there loaded. Its never enough and people are still struggling.

Then we got hit with Hurricane lane. Closing our business for 3 days during the last rush of summer was tough. We wont recover till 2019.

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I heard George Sauron was paying people in Pahoa with cheap ā€¦ What an economy

You can hide barefoot in the Ohia forests and steal mango.

Hard to feel too sorry about people in Hawaii. Lava is expected at times. So are hurricanes. Natural events that continue till the end of time.

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All arise for the National Anthem

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Happy, smiling faces. Positive, wholesome Americans

By the thousands upon thousands.

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Its easy to feel sorry for you

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ā€œwholesomeā€ :thinking:

This is derived by a video/picture in what way? Please do tell!

I visit my cousin in HI every summer. I havenā€™t seen lava all the time I was there. I had to go looking for it.

The lower cost paradises, is where lava is a tourist attraction much of the time. That area is always prone to Lava. People that move there know what they are getting into.

Itā€™s not like Krakatoa. But sometimes there are eruptions and steady lava flows.

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She is making zero sense. Hasnt a clue what she is saying. Just talking to make sounds. Touched.

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Whining about being in Hawaii is ridiculous.

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Your perspective is limited I suppose

This is a great example of how masterful Republican media is. An American was just tortured and probably had his balls cut off and we get posts like this. They are the best at what they do.