LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Lebanon, OH 10/12/18

Wrong. I’ve lived in Oahu and the Big Island. I had enough common sense to avoid buying in Puna, although I love Puna and the Volcanos. I’ve been in the cauldron.

The worst Lava Zones are very inexpensive to buy. You know you are taking a chance.

Trump wouldn’t lie.

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I donated during the last one. Not this one yet, but I will.

“Remember that night? Remember Florida… wow and that was early.”

“Those people are truly evil… The most dishonest people on the planet…”


There… Now you don’t have to watch it.

I honestly don’t understand why anyone not suffering from brain damage would ever watch one of those more than twice. I mean once you know everything that’s going to happen, why?

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Don’t watch then.

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The whole discussion is ridiculous, the prone areas are very limited and the media made it seem like all eight islands had activity. Only the big island matters and the prone areas are fairly well known and limited when they occur.

Yes. The media gets hysterical.

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In this case it was spectacular footage like some Hollywood movie (so I get their ratings hunger, I guess), but the misrepresentation of scale was very annoying.

It can be pretty spectacular


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It’s sad that that is now the tape that is going to run in your head about the death toll in Puerto Rico until you are completely self convinced there were only 64 deaths and that is it. Unless of course you’re already there…

I won’t. I really don’t suffer from brain damage so one was enough for me.

The President will be here shortly.

Youtube messing with the feed.

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OMG I can’t wait!!!

Deep State!!?


[quote=“rp5x5, post:65, topic:15629, full:true”]
Don’t watch then

They are just antsy for “An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton”. Tickets went on sale today. That should calm then down a bit.

Paranoaia. Panic. Deep State


10 Charles

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Trust the plan, the FISA warrants are coming.

These rallies are the best. Each one better than the rest.

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But the Saudis have oil. We like oil. Therefore, we like the Saudis.

Once the Saudis stop having oil, we won’t like them not having oil. Therefore, we will bomb the life out of the Saudis.