LIVE STREAM: Beto O'Rourke's rally in Texas speaks ahead of Trump

LOL! hatred?
Now isn’t that just the pot calling the kettle black. Stop dude.

Geeze. What’s a bigger chip than ‘fake news’? Witch hunts? Presidential harassment?

Chips you all carry for the President.

And that’s not dip Trump serves up with those victim cards.

You don’t think his dealings with Russia, Saudi Arabia and NK are dangerous? They are horrifying.

I’m generally not interested in seeing the inner workings of minds which I’d typically classify as “special kind of stupid”, but I’ve recently reexamined how it’s possible something like this happens.

In short, a few foreigners I work with commented about how they admired Trump’s “honesty” in how he communicates. After asking ■■■ they’re talking about, they clarified that he advertises his emotions very plainly and that they weren’t focused on whether the words coming out of his mouth were factual or not. Not surprisingly, I later found out that they leaned right in their politics from their home countries as well.

What I get out of this is that they basically don’t mind that he’ll lie through his teeth about anything and everything. The key thing is that he at least wishes it in his mind even if he could never deliver it in reality.

Yeah, it’s still mind numbingly stupid.

Leave Obamacare out of this discussion please. We’re talking about border security here…

And by comprehensive, you mean a path to quick citizenship and voting rights, plus expedited chain migration so family members could gain citizenship and voting rights.



Serious question-did you read the 2013 bill?

Chain migration is coming to an end now that Melania’s parents are here.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Glad to see Beto’s talk went so well! Was hoping he’d have a good turnout.

Sad to see Trump making up stuff but it’s par for the course. His followers won’t care about being lied to and those who don’t follow him should just focus on the task at hand and not get fussed about his penchant for obfuscation.

If his followers care little for the truth, what can you do about it? Tell them the truth? They don’t care, that’s the point.

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And here is the basic truth about why so many on the Right fight any kind of immigration reform. They fear it will hurt their chances in upcoming elections. Which is also why Puerto Rico can’t gain statehood. 6 million new voters and 2 new Senators.

Granted these are religious voters who very well could vote for the GOP, but rather than try and win their vote they just prefer making every effort to keep them from ever getting a vote.

If you had more faith in your party, this wouldn’t be a problem.

Did you read the 2013 bill?

Can’t find the actual bill. I did find, and reread Obamas speech on his reform ideas. Some sound good, but as he said in his speech, the details need to be worked out. The devils’ in the details. His plan involved nothing new- using technology ( no mention of any type of barrier), more agents, punishing companies that hire illegals. Great ideas!! But not just by themselves.

He also mentioned a “pathway to citizenship”, to be a magnet to bring in the best and brightest. But in the same speech, he endorsed chain migration. Here’s a question: what if the families of the best and brightest aren’t themselves of the best and brightest, why should THEY be given a path to citizenship?

As long as America has open borders and gives illegals hope for amnesty or a “path to citizenship”, they will continue to flood our country. Period. While it may be true that most come for opportunity, many come bringing harm. Since we don’t know in advance who is who, stop as many as possible and find out BEFORE we let them in. Send a message to the world: Welcome- BUT, come here legally! After this is done, then Republicans and Democrats should do the job they were sent to do, which is work together for America’s best interest on immigration reform.

I’ll grant that establishment Republicans are as guilty of greed and self interest as Democrats, but we finally have a president that is willing to actually do something about the problem besides talk. It is a measley amount of money, given what Congress wastes, but it demonstrates to us that Trump IS serious.

He WILL get the wall done, because he knows it will get him re-elected.I think that’s why he is timing it as he is- to keep it on the minds of his base as close to the 2020 election as possible, otherwise, we’d forget or something else would distract. He knows how to Target voters as his electoral college win demonstrates. You may hate him, but he truly isn’t stupid…

Considering there’s currently a negative flow over the border, all a wall will do is make it harder for undocumented immigrants to leave. So no, you’re not “rite”.

Try Googling “2013 immigration bill.”

It certainly provided a pathway to citizenship, but it’s absurd to suggest that the pathway outlined in the 2013 bill would have encouraged more illegals to come. It was rigorous, arduous, required a good length of time, AND required that other provisions of the bill be met BEFORE any current illegals could get green cards-provisions such as increasing the number of border patrol agents and judges, completion unfinished portions of planned fencing along the border, among other things.

The 2013 was largely what most people want right now-it has provisions that would not go info effect (such as a pathway to citizenship) until other triggers were met-assuring that no promises were broken.

I suggest reading it-it was a pretty good bill, and only didn’t pass because radical Republicans, who vowed before Obama ever took office to obstruct him, didn’t want to hand Obama/Democrats a win on immigration.

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Talking about your President lying about border security stop trying to divert. ■■■■ not funny. Shut up and kick rocks

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I’m more concerned with the negative cash flow where illegal aliens are concerned.