One would need to have the imagination of someone like Edgar Allan Poe to believe that the Dems were able to fraudulently win the 2020 presidential election without leaving any evidence to prove consequential election fraud but weren’t able to fraudulently increase their majority in the House of Reps and weren’t able to fraudulently win control of the Senate.

Makes perfect sense.


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Let’s Go Brandon… LMAO!!!

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I don’t know why this is even a thing. NASCAR fans are predominantly republican so the chant is no surprise.

Why would you want to waste your time watching a left turn contest anyways? :yawning_face: :man_facepalming:

Schools should NOT be teaching religion, unless it is like a catholic school.

Also, as long as Trump is being literally worshiped, Republicans will never win the Presidency again.

Maybe if we had someone running with the same ideas as Trump but not have a history of shady business practices, etc things would be different.
Sorry, but his personal/business past is a huge red flag and why I didn’t vote for him. I honestly cannot see the attraction many have for him. The only thing he was able to accomplish is further divide this country, and those that continue to fall for his crap, well, you will get what we have now, and worse.


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I’ve actually seen the demographics. And if you’re a couple years older than me you’re not my generation.

That’s where they’re at. Well them or the Chainsmokers.

Not a big poll guy since most lean hard left but Quinnipaic has biden doen to 38 percent approval.

This from an extremely left leaning poll.

Biden said he had a plan to beat Covid.

Far superior to Trump plan was the pitch.

Brandon should have just stuck to the Trump plan.

They’re your generation.

Oh well, if you say so. No I’m kidding, you just do this because you don’t actually debate anymore, just make proclamations lol.

The median Trump voter is a white guy, straight, putatively Christian, no college degree, lives in the suburbs/exurbs and is over the age of 50.

I’m a millennial, not Gen X.

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They’re millennials. Look at the arrests from the Assault on the Temple of 'Mocracy. Look at the Proud Boys and the arrests on the other side.

“Average age of Trump voters” is meaningless. He got 75 million votes.

Look at who’s throwing tantrums. On both sides.

Cohort lines are not hard and fast dates. They are also cultural.

And what are your “facts”?

The fact is Biden is ‘Battered on trust, leadership, competency’, poll says (


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

What do you watch that’s so enlightening? Netflix drama perhaps?

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I watch a couple dramas, but mostly documentaries. Split time between Fox and MSNBC to get both perspectives.

Yeah, but it turns out we can no longer count on some Americans to act in the best interest of the country, or their fellow citizens.

Selfishness, ignorance, and partisanship are the new American values for these people.

But don’t worry, despite all of this, Biden’s plan is working out for the rest of us.

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Yup! It sure is! But not in a way which advances the general welfare of the United States and her citizens:


Mass. DPH reports 3,741 new breakthrough COVID-19 cases, 46 more deaths among vaccinated residents

W.Va. Officials Say ‘Breakthrough’ COVID Cases On The Rise

“Gov. Jim Justice announced Monday that, over the past eight weeks, there has been a 26% increase in new breakthrough cases, a 21% increase in breakthrough cases requiring hospitalization and a 25% increase in breakthrough deaths.”

Recent data shows 18.5% of new Covid-19 cases in New Jersey are fully vaccinated individuals, governor says

And in PA we find 6% Of Pennsylvania COVID-19 Cases Have Been Among Fully Vaccinated

”The Tri-State region is doing better than many other parts of the country, but cases are climbing here too.”

At this point in time it is pretty clear COVID is here to stay for a very long time. We need to learn to live with it by treating it, and screw the endless vaccine crap which is ruining our lives and destroying businesses, not to mention how it is being used in a manner which is abusive to our nation’s children.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

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Look at conservatives trusting polls again. :joy: