Live Link to Trump Tulsa Rally 06/20/2020

Just the facts, mam.

It’s ma’am. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

OK, doode. :wink:

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Had a cryro-ablation procedure done to the ticker Thursday to keep the Afib in check, Laying low for a few days; doctors orders.

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And a double twist on the dismount!


Actually the experts on the front line say it would be a crime against humanity to not give a covid-19 patient Hydroxychloroquine. Someone needs to slap Fauci on the back of the head and wake him up!

I’m sure trump must be dissapoint.
What happened to the one million people?
Womp, womp.

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Imagine sleeping outside for two days to get into a not-even-close-to-full arena and catching the Corona to top it off. :man_facepalming:t4:


You think Bidens a winner?:rofl::rofl:

China, Ukraine, spying, Russian collusion lie, the man is sell out to the American people!

What’s up with the constant “Russian collusion” posts?
Why not create a thread and go downtown with it?

To be clear: We have a sitting president herding people into a crowded auditorium during a pandemic against the recommendations of, like, everybody. And these people are even signing wavers absolving the Trump campaign if any of them get sick. We are looking at a Koolaid moment, people!

Coronapalooza is gonna rock!


Jim Jones must be looking up like a proud pappa.

the place isn’t even half full.

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Maybe we underestimated the intelligence of the good folks of Tulsa.

Iv seen more people at a AA baseball game.

Biden, persuading voters one at a time. Trump, infecting voters thousands at a time.

The transcripts that were released show the Obama Administration lied to the American people, to me and I’m sure others see it as a deliberate attack to divide this country. I’ll start a thread eventually.

Don’t let the fake news scare you!