LIVE FEED: Donald Trump Addressing the Nation on Mass Shootings

He’s doing a good job so far. He’s denouncing white supremacy. That’s all he had to do.

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Staying on teleprompter

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Irony. lol

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He’s not finished yet.

Well. This is underwhelming.

Lol. Trump wants us to set aside partisanship.

It’s so jarring watching him speak someone else’s words when you know it’s the complete opposite of what he wants to say.

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Are you new to politics?

Right out of the political playbook. Attach something the other side really doesn’t want to something they really want to get it passed.

I want him to elaborate on how we’re going to immediately change the culture.

Or he is suggesting a compromise, one side of the aisle wants border security, the other wants tougher gun laws, a bill that gives each side something it wants just may have a larger chance at getting passed.

Does everyone feel better now?

I never felt bad in the first place. The news doesn’t control me like that. :sunglasses:

Donald Trump truly healed the nation with that speech. Bravo Mr. President.


He proposed the death penalty to hate crimes committed. Give him the heavy hand already.

We will kill them quickly and stop playing video games! OK.


I’m sorry. I was supposed to forget everything I’ve ever known of Trump before reacting to Trump. Ok … Here I go … … Nope. He’s still lying con man. Didn’t work.

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Well, I’m not exactly a proponent of the death penalty. I’m small government in that way.

Weak speech with weak proposals.


Ditto. I don’t trust government to do much, why would I trust them with the power of life and death?

Any more trolling or personal shots at other guests from here on out will result in sanctions.

You’ve been warned.