LIVE FEED: Donald Trump Addressing the Nation on Mass Shootings

And to blame the media for reporting on what he says.

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He’ll always be Donald Trump. Y’all can’t change that.

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At least he isn’t saying that there were fine people on both sides of the shootings

They’re still mumbling in the background. Speech hasn’t started quite yet.

NPC’s are flowing in. The “I hate Trump” posts are flying off the keys. On your marks… :rofl:


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So your argument that this is heartfelt is attempting to use it as a bargaining chip to pass legislation while the bodies from the first mass shooting have barely come out of rigor.


Wrong. He has spoken already. We will see is he doubles down.

Isn’t that what y’all wanted in the wake of one of these tragedies was to get more restrictive gun laws?

At what point was Trump ever good?

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What sort of crass human being in the wake of the shooting at El Paso combines background checks and immigration reform as a quid pro quo?


Never let a tragedy go to waste.

Atta boy, Orange Man Bad!

Watching righties reduced to a quivering feckless mass that can only post “TDS” and “orange man bad” as a response to everything is kind of sad.


You didn’t answer the question.

The same that parlays the dead for more restrictive gun laws.

He’s on!

So a broken clock really is accurate twice a day. lol

Guns actually have something to do with mass shootings. The only thing immigration could possibly have to do with it is the fact Trump’s protege butchered a bunch of Latinos.

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I’m saying that Trump has always been morally bankrupt. Why should we not take that into consideration?

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Using dead bodies to get an immigration bill passed? No, no it was not what I wanted. I get he’s a sociopath but he could at least fake some emotion like he did earlier this year.

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To whom are you referring?