Link to mueller report

Okay,… had to go and do some stuff… now back to reading.

Pg 130-131… it looks like the only reason that Manafort got off without conspiracy charges is because the Mueller team could not make connections because Manafort’s stonewalling worked.

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Why are all of these people putting themselves in legal jeopardy for Donald ■■■■■■■ Trump?

Have to keep the investigation going, must keep it going :crazy_face: he’s guilty I know it, pee pee tapes, Prague…going…:crazy_face:.CONNECT THE DOTS …:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::clown_face: Clowns like milk, milk is racist!! :crazy_face:

Actually you couldn’t trust anything Obama said. He lied religiously.

Saw this on Twitter. How things just get lost in the cracks when you have a President who lies soooo much.

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This has been false every time you’ve said it, and will be false every time you continue to say it.


Ummm about those Pee pee tapes.

Pee Pee Tapes!!!:heart_eyes:

Says more about the corruption of the DEM DOJs. :+1:

Crazy right?

On the same day that Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) officially joined the Trump campaign as a senior national security advisor, the U.S. intelligence community released a statement that the Kremlin was trying to interfere in the election. But the Senator already knew those facts, and much more. Burr had been fully briefed in secret by the U.S. intelligence community a few weeks earlier. Senior U.S. officials told Burr that Russia’s interference was designed to support Donald Trump’s electoral chances. Burr decided to team up with the Trump campaign anyway, and hitch his own electoral fate in North Carolina to Trump’s political fortunes.

There’s an enumerated power for immigration laws, which Trump is trying to enforce. Like I said, get back to me when there’s an enumerated power for any of the other crap you mentioned.

Well of course DEMs would say that.

I’m not. Stop projecting. Here’s a tip: innocent people don’t need to be defended because… get this… They’re innocent! I know, right?

Well no, the facts show that. There was no “IRS” scandal. It turned out to be #FakeNews. It was a nothing-berder.

Turns out ANY political groups-left and right-were given extra scrutiny, not just TP groups. They were all treated equally.

It is not necessarily pee pee tapes… I never believed in that they existed.

What this footnote points to though is that the Algoarovs had some damaging “tapes” and that those were put on ice.

I do not care who you are or what your political partisan affiliation may be… but it should give one pause that that a foreign former business partner of the President has secret information that could be used against him and has kept it secret.


The DOJ paid them off for it…

Going around congress to spend money is unconstutional.

You are OK with a president doing that.

A true American.

Great! Prove he went around Congress to fund the wall. You’ve got him now for sure! :roll_eyes:

I’m not surprised.


Stop making things up, and stop believing #FakeNews.