Link to mueller report

Given that the Mueller report is 400 pages and Barr’s summary of the conclusions was only 4 pages, I believe you might be right. :rofl:

Fully exonerated!! :rofl:

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I don’t know. There was a small group of “I want to believe” tinfoil hatters who talked about all the JFK conspiracies for decades.
But most people just humored them.

I’m sure we will have a thread or two, but It’s all old news and won’t last long…

Reading is hard

Sure, there will be a few grassy knollers. But, the peak was Barr’s announcement. I bet it won’t be much of a story in a day or two. There’s nothing new here…

Which reminds me, I was just at the gym and someone had MSNBC on. Some talking head was speculating on all the good antiTrump stuff Mueller was going to say when they got him in front of Congress…like there was all this incriminating stuff that Mueller somehow didn’t manage to work into a 400 page report and now we’re going to get the good stuff,

Hey, I didnt vote for him. I didn’t vote for Clinton either. That being said I wasn’t calling for Obama to be removed from office, even after Fast & Furious, DACA, and all the other blatant violations of the Constitution he committed so go preach to someone else.

Obama was not perfect, but he led by example with character (i.e. his family etc…), did not lie to me on a daily basis, or openly direct policy based in vengeance. I refuse to sink to the low Trump’s base has.

Ah, the wild “I’m totally not a Trump supporter but I’m working super hard to defend him” Breed. An increasingly common sight these days.


I’m defending the Constitution. I know that concept is foreign to those like yourself who seek it’s destruction, but it is what it is.

It will be great to see you defend the constitution when a Democratic president declares an emergency to institute medicare for all.

Or declares an emergency about guns.

Or declares an emergency to do just about anything.

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When there’s an enumerated power under article 1, section 8 for any of those feel free to get back to me.

Then you think declaring an emergency to go around congress for the so called wall is unconstitutional.

Good. We agree.

His IRS oppressed the Tea Party. He tried to prosecute members of the press. He got thousands killed in Libya for no reason. And the country was very divided by his presidency. Massive crony capitalism in wind and solar and health care.

If you were interested in doing that you wouldn’t be defending Donald Trump.

Fat donald trying to rally the boot lickers.

Going back to LBJ (~53 years), there have been 25 years of Democrat presidents, and 28 years of republican presidents.

In the 25 years of D presidents, there have been a total of 3 executive branch officials indicted, with 1 conviction, and 1 prison sentence.

In the 28 years of R presidents, there have been a total of 120 indictments of executive branch officials, 89 convictions, and 34 prison sentences.


Hey look at this. “Chairman” Richard Burr was funneling the findings of an Investigation to the lawyers of the person being Investigated.

This is absurdly criminal, and he belong in Jail. Another Republican Criminal.



Republicans are all Criminals. I’m ashamed it took me this long to realize that.

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