Line Drawn In Sand?

Your okay with sending thousands of children to die because someone said mean things about America during a speech?

Wow, another Sean Hannity forum infested
with feces slinging maniacal Dem☭nKKKrat Troll’s…
~ Lol,
on display here is really thick…

lone suspect using an illegal firearm fired blankly into a busy eatery, we don’t know much more then that currently.

Yeah but we seldom hear about mass shootings in Canada. Then there was that horrible attack with the killer in the van. If I remember right he was captured, not killed or committed suicide.

IT’s awful to hear things like that. People out for dinner and having a nice time, all of a sudden it’s chaos and terror.

Cool, now Al-Qaeda may be fighting along side US backed rebels!!! :rofl:

They are become more common hopefully we can figure out why, the city is still very safe was there few days ago for a baseball game.

If Iran tweets another mean message to Trump, should we attack? After all, Trumpist attacked Obama for not following through on his empty threat in Syria, right?

Yes, tragically more common, and in many countries. I hope all of the victims will be ok.

Using twitter to send out a warning message to another country. I bet Iran’s leaders are laughing their asses off.

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He’s being widely mocked on Twitter tonight. Giving the seriousness of the tweet I’m not sure it’s the best response, but maybe in the age of Trump it’s the only response.

To be sure, Iran is a terrible country. It’s a tyrannical regime that terrorizes and kills it’s own people. But that tweet was crazy.


You are delusional. You just said Iran would shoot down an American plane. I responded to that.

Besides…we dont send children to war. You might be thinking of the Palestinians though. They do.

Putin and Kim are laughing their asses off as well. This clown is a complete cluster ■■■■■ The supposed leader of the most powerful country in history is using twitter to warn another country…in all caps! I’m laughing my ass off too. Lol!
What a ■■■■■■■ clown!!! Lol!

I suppose laughter and mockery is the best response. You really can’t make this stuff up.

But, but, liberals are deranged!! No you numbnuts, people are deranged with laughter! Lol!

I’ve seen some good tweets. This one is my favorite so far, maybe because I like Grumpy Cat.


Lol! Love the grumpy cat.

Check it out everyone, new guy here volunteers for the front line.

So do I . This is why I love Twitter. I know there is lots of garbage there, but a lot of people who use it are very entertaining.

Plus it’s where I find out what’s going on.

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His audience will love this twitter flexing.