Linden NJ Mayor is a Putz

Gasp. You’re defending Trump over this stupid nonsense? What a shocker. I am actually gobsmacked.

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The “nonsense” was created by the mayor when he inserted himself into the process.
Trump doesn’t need defending for this.

The President putting a letter in there is pretty silly.

Imagine if Obam… oh never mind.

All I had to see was the Dept of Ag hiring “contractors” to expedite the logistics of the program and not be surprised at the shortcomings. The contractors complaining that “they didn’t know what they were getting into” is telling of government well intended programs that are rushed into implementation, in this case out of sheer need, and details overlooked. The government paying more for market share goods is not new. But there are overlook bodies who are supposed to insure these things don’t happen. Again, the program was well intended, likely rushed to help the needy and definitely needs some serious adjustments moving forward.

Govt. waste is cool!

They could have just given them SNAP cards for a third of the price…

No…but “fake” compassion is being spotlighted for the hateful reasons that card is being played.

I’ll never promote government waste and absolutely despise it. Now that said, if I give the same amount that was already promised to assist curing one problem but get something in return that can be utilized to also solve another, then is killing two birds with one stone a waste?

Does your reply apply to all the wasteful dem spending in the COVID relief bill, or does it only apply to Trump and Republicans?

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This program doesn’t do that.

I am offended by government waste.

And the Mayor’s isn’t. Gotcha. Democrats can do no wrong.