Lies told by Biden and Trump

If you were honest, listened tothe video, you would know he’s not disucssing an abortion.

But regardless, please name the state that killing a baby fter birth is allowed. Cite the VA law that llows for thta.

And where did NY pass a law permitting infantcide?

It’s not spin. It’s what you presented in your video.

If you actually listen to the interview he is obviously talking about a decision where the mother carries a baby that is incompatible with life to term.

Not so easy as he said “I think” I’ll be throwing the first pitch so FYI that’s not a lie. :roll_eyes:

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Seriously, this is the best you’ve got…good grief! :roll_eyes:

I don’t know how old you are but 21 years ago most civilians had “I guess so” support for the Iraq war and Trump was just another civilian at that time.

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Hey, are we still doing this? Trump claims he never said “lock her up”. Well…

Yes. He said it and it was a lie. Now tell me the impact of this lie on your life?

Biden’s lies have SERIOUS impacts on our lives. I don’t give a ■■■■ about how big the size of Trump’s crowd was or whether or not he said regarding Hillary, “lock her up”. What I do care about is when Biden lies…telling all of us there’s nothing more that he can do regarding the protection of our southern border…all while millions and millions and millions have illegally crossed. Now we have this;

Can you comprehend the difference?

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It was more than a slogan, too:

Trump absolutely wanted the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton, among others.

Can you imagine if Biden were Tweeting like this and ■■■■■■■■ on Merrick Garland for not pursuing Trump’s many crimes? Monumental MAGA projection.

They eventually did an investigation which turned up jack ■■■■■

HOW can you have a thread like this without Corn Pop?

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…and now…looking back with more clarity, Trump was right. Hillary and the DNC paid in part or full for the dossier that was used by the FBI to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page, whom worked with the Trump campaign. Hillary was just fined by the FEC this year for that because she broke laws. Just because Comey didn’t prosecute her, doesn’t negate the fact that he also said she committed those crimes. You have to ask yourself if you believe Hillary was so stupid, she didn’t know she was breaking the law so that no prosecutor would prosecute her due to lack of intent? You need to rethink this my dear. The dust has cleared and we’re no longer in yesterday.

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Perhaps if John McCain had not become a turncoat with his grand theatrics of thumbs down for the break the tie vote. JC was so pathetic as a politician.