Libs world is crashing down around em

There’s another bet that he’s spinach, which would make sense. There is a new member who has “duck” in his screen name and posts with the same amount of depth as on the prior forum.

There’s a blast from the past. Hadnt seen Duck on this new forum.

not the voters that mattered. sorry.

Yep. Some voters matter more than others. One man one vote is a fantasy, not reflecting the reality of modern American politics.

ummm… the electoral college voters are the ones that count.

Clearly my comment went over your head.
Sorry, I’ll try to make it more simple in the future for the hive mind.

please… but how will I know that you are making a simple statement just for me?

Hard to say. I don’t know if I can dumb it down far enough.

it should come naturally.

Unfortunately it doesn’t. Living in the real world, full of complications and nuance, sort of puts a damper on the over simplification that the hive mind demands. Gotta admit. The Trump drones do have their uses. But any tool is only as good or evil as the person who wields it.

If it didn’t matter then trump wouldn’t be trying to convince people how popular he is.

Which doesn’t negate fact that more people wanted Hillary than trump.

I didn’t know that clothes have sex.

Cogent argument. It was coincidence…random chance women wore dresses, not men for all recorded history, with only minute exceptions.

Proving, cloths are irrelevant to sex.

In WinBigly Scott Adams cites the list of reasons why Hillary lost, as proof of cognitive dissonance. Not because any of the 25 reasons were implausible, but because there were 25 of them proving reality was torn and any explanation to make it better was desparately being sought.

So here you are, the Inauguration long passed, still wrestling with Trump’s election. I wish there were someone who could “kiss the boo boo and make it better”, perhaps this gal:

They have gone totally mad, openly targeting anybody who works with the current admin. Wanted posters? I know they like to shock but they are helping Trump, normal, civilized people won’t vote for whacks like this. Peter Fonda, Maxine Waters, and the crazy people that use any excuse to pour into the streets and confront people who have done nothing, but have dinner with their family. Good for Huckabee-Sanders, she’ll have secret service protection now, they can chat with nuts while she and her family has dinner,
Me thinks the Red Hen will be hurting for business, just like idiot Fonda’s new movie, damn! He hasn’t aged well! He looks like he might have indulged a bit too heavily in the spirits and drugs…

Trump won because he won the electoral collage.

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I would ask why you are so concerned with why Hilary lost as opposed to why Dontrump won. Focus on what is relevant.


Fonda has a new movie? Wasnt the last movie he made Westworld? You guys care about Fonda like you do Nugent.