Libs world is crashing down around em

Since when is pointing and laughing at the Trumpkins “rage”…lol

Call me crazy but I did we not just have like 3 threads going with Trumpers pearl clutching over the incivility of our politics? :joy:

Or something that makes him “SUPER ELITE.” There were millions of angry voters out there casting revenge ballots.

National debt just went over 21 trillion for the first time ever. Keep on winning, bro. And we’ll keep pointing and laughing.

Libs would have had a “total meltdown” no matter which Republican had won. You didn’t need to elect Donald Trump for that. But you did, and you ■■■■■■ up.

Yeah. Hopefully the left won’t be as vindictive and elect Bill Maher.

More voters wanted Hillary than trump.

Who’s in a rage, with trump I couldn’t lose.

My closet door did jump it’s track today and nearly concussed me. So I guess that’s one sign things are crashing down around me. Damn you Trump.

You know, my respect for Maher kinda went up as #metoo came and went and left him unscathed.

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That would be funny if the possibility were remote. I don’t trust that the electorate enough to think that it isn’t.

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Like you really care.

Electoral college, the only vote that matters. Always has been always will be.

I was glad to cast my vote for trump. Of course I preferred Cruz, but I played the cards that were dealt.

So much for Obama’s policies being popular. I am amazed how many seats went Republican during Obama’s reign. Liberals lost a huge amount of momentum.

Not trolling. Its fact, every few days a new fabricated crisis fake news event sends the left into a deranged state. Everyone (not them) become Nazis, even their children are targets.

But you can’t predict the “problème de jour” derangement without consultation with fellow loons. Its unpredictable. Usually, some covered up “atrocity” of the Obama regime is recast as a new Trump Nazi program against __________ (Fill in the Blank)

Don’t let that fool you. All that is changed. Now everyone wants to speak spanish everywhere, so you have to press#2 for English whenever you talk to business or Government. We want illegals on our police force, sanctuary cities where MS13 can breathe free of the Nazi ICE people.

We want our kids wearing the cloths of the opposite sex in kindergarten, to aid them in coming out.

We want our daughters getting free abortions without parental consent and without revealing the identity of their adult fathers, often teachers.

You didn’t realize who popular Democrat policies have become.

Raising taxes, taking back the crumbs so Government can spend your money wisely on gender education programs, that’s what middle America wants now. And the good old days when factories were leaving but replaced with Government training on the “jobs of the future” in Government.

That’s all wildly popular now. And taking guns from law abiding citizens will solve all the problems with crime. Once we stop being a threat to them, they will become nice and love us. Like Iran did after Obama made that wonderful deal with them. Shouldn’t cost more than a few billion in cash, on pallets.

These are all wonderful Democrat party of the future policies whose time has come. Also, who doesn’t want the FBI, Justice Departy, IRS, BLM, NLRB and a host of other government agencies silencing those Nazi conservatives so they can’t organize and threaten wonderful leftist power?

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Well said.

Good follow up troll job.

The election of Donald Trump was reaction of the helplessness of so called conservatives. They see themselves losing ground and relevancy. They see a familiarity in Trump most likely from his Television bluster. Subliminal Cousin. “Hey I know you from somewhere”. They were going to do their best to get this “Outsider” elected Hell or Highwater. Nation be damned.

Whites see him as white. Legal Immigrants see him pulling up the drawbridge to give them better traction. Blacks, for the most part dont see him. Dave Chapell might.

What he is is a Statement. A statement to minoritys and immigrants. We dont like you. We dont want you getting ahead of us. We dont like the changing landscape. We want to be relevant again like when we were children.

Everybody knows the majority of Marijuana has been imported from Canada since the 60’s. But the example might be the Canadian Magician, who provides the misdirection of race and goes unnoticed. We focus on Mexico.

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McGifford/Duck I believe.