Libs trying to out kook everyone else

Of recent, it seems to be more the marketing graduates who are busy dismantling capitalism, one woke corporation at a time.

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Here is the future of NY Law and Order!

And another


Nope…about 60k babies are born intersex annually. (tough choice for the parents)

If nature can “accidentally” mess up the physical gender…is it not conceivable that nature could also mess up the hormonal/mental gender as well…which can produce a human where the physical gender does not match the hormonal/physical gender?

Or do we just call them all freaks and move on?

We call it for what it is. If born a male, it is a male. If born a female it is a female.

The intersex are an anomaly. No one is calling them freaks. That isn’t their fault.

Taking a child and telling it it is intersex is what “you” are trying to push on children who are not.


I think it is extremely rare a parent is trying to make a child change their gender…

It is rare for both intersex, and trans…if you had a child, who told you they thought they were trans…what would you do?

I’d let them know after they leave my home at the age of 18 or later, they can be whatever they want. By that time, I’d expect they’d grow out of the latest fad and move on to more important matters.

You are assuming that males with such harmonal/mental attitudes cannot be biological males with attributes more commonly associated with female characteristics. There is no reason they should not be accepted as they are but should have to pretend to be a different sex.
Usually, they prefer to hang out more with the girls, by choice.

Put a dress on him and call him Nancy.

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Correct. Most would probably grow out of it. I would not allow them to be mutilated because they were going through a Tom boy stage. I would advise them when they were 18 to learn to accept themselves as they are and they didn’t need any operations…but that would be their choice.
It makes zero sense that there are many more people in this category than there used to be. Not every fantasy should be encouraged. It’s the old…if only I do X, then I will be happy…fantasy.


Are there more transgender people now or more people willing to admit it publicly? I honestly don’t know.

Something tells me since you seem like a good, compassionate person, if you had a child that truly felt they were trans…you may accommodate some some of their concerns, an seek professional assistance.

Thank you for your opinion.
What is your degree in? Is it a Doctorate?

Probably a bit of both…

Queer is a race now!



So nothing serious to say. I assume your doctorate in gender studies gives your opinion special weight.

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What a stupid post.

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I put a lot of weight what those that are Trans, and the medical Pro’s say about it…
I also know many Trans/non-binary people. So I also have actual real world expoerience…do you?

I have lived my whole life with people. Sorry, you win no prize.
But put your weight where you want it, and so will I. Pretentiousness is not something I value.

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The woke believe they were born to be perverted: rather than the sin nature corrupting people’s view of themselves. Believing all that crazy trans ideology is just a little father down the broad way that leads to destruction.