Libs habit of preying upon grievances

Thank you for this brave opening post, in which I find zero hysterics, complaining, or hand wringing.

Yes, Democrats need to address their problem with shame. But we’re ashamed to address that problem, for reasons that we don’t understand.

Sometimes being a Democrat is hard. I can’t just sell my soul in one piece. I have to take it to the butcher and have him divide it into nine discrete parts, with pieces going to black people, the trans community, Latinos, gays, the tweets of Ocasio-Cortez, tofu subsidies, antifa, BLM, and the youth of this great, by which I mean failing, nation.

And that’s just this week! Marching orders arrive on Sundays at 6 a.m., so I can’t even enjoy a good party the night before.

I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone with character.

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We would probably start a new political movement, predicated on white nationalist populism, filled with dog whistles. We would probably frame it around returning the nation to a better time when we had more power, using flimsy economic arguments that most people find appalling and ineffective. Ultimately we would equivocate and pretend we’re just patriotic when we’re taken over by the worst elements of our party.


Libs sure do know how to use those whistles…not to mention their dogs to keep people in line don’t they?

Heritage not hate, brother.

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Hmm, that sounds like a great idea. We should get to it before Republicans do.


Oh no.



Let the liberal snowflakes melt and liberal tears run rampant.

Libs this, libs that. It’s like watching a child whine.

Like in the good old days! MAGA :us: