Well then you better report it.
Either way it doesn’t change the facts that libs prey on grievances for political/monetary power.
Well then you better report it.
Either way it doesn’t change the facts that libs prey on grievances for political/monetary power.
A great way to engage in debate is to accuse the other side of mentally raping people.
Btw what were cons doing with Molly Tibbetts? They weren’t exploiting her death?
Well why don’t you go ask Kate Steinle OH WAIT YOU CAN’T SHE’S DEAD AND A MEXICAN DID IT
Exactly. Same thing when cons say “Obama made race relations in America worse.” No he didn’t. He actually talked about race relations. Something cons would rather ignore.
Lolololol such a fail thread
It’s easy to tell the OP listens to the radio.
Judging from libs reaction…I say I hit the nail on the head.
And that’s one thing I do well…swinging a hammer.
K, West wants 13th amendment revoked so he can be a slave. So some blacks at least one do want republicans to dictate what their role is in society.
I mean "Ye’ in that post
A great way to avoid that accusation is by not doing it.
For all the work certain posters are making for the mods by creating these threads, you’d think time outs would follow.
Or maybe mods know this isn’t about Kavanaugh…but how libs like preying on those that have grievances for political power.
If you want to dispute that claim do it.
That’s all you libs have…you can’t deny that libs have preyed upon victims and their grievances so you resort to insults and other destructive behavior.
The Trump folks seem unusually stressed out today - has something hit the news or something?
You have yet to describe how libs preyed on Dr.Ford…
Did Libs make her accuse Brett? Is she not smart enough to think for herself?
For starters you libs trotter her out in front of world when she didn’t want it…or told her that their were other options.
It was for maximum effect.
Or take minorities for example…using their grievances for political power while doing nothing to elevate their stress/life…why?
Because you want them to be right where they’re out.
The democratic party is the most powerful tool minorities have to help get what they want. Why do you think it’s the other way around?
No mention of Team Red? They created wars and victim mentality too…The War on Religious freedom, the war on Christmas (lol), the War on Coal, the War on denim, etc. Now that the War on Coal is supposedly over since Team Blue is out of power how are the poor victimized rural people in West Virginia and across the nation doing these days after Team Red got their votes? Are they living large with the coal mines back? Did Republicans suddenly make natural gas disappear?
Is it? Or the most powerful party that keeps them down for their own benefits?
What would you libs do if minorities become successful…what will democrats do?
Answer me that?