Libs are you FINALLY ready to throw in the towel on Russia?

I’d look to your fellow lefties with the snot dripping from their chins if you need a good reference for desperation. :wink:

You must come the land of shorties if you think 6 feet is tall enough to brag so much about.

I guess I should change my name to 6 foot five.

Nah, too silly.

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That’s Peek’s game, at least be original. He has the “frothy” market cornered; you are stealing his thunder!

Looks like band of angry democrats searching for anything…anything to bring some charges against Trump.

Meanwhile they actually ignored real crimes when investigating their Queen.

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Did they say rumored? Isn’t that what got us into this whole mess in the first place? For your impeachment case, you may need to focus on facts, not rumors. Then convince Congressional dems, not Hannity “R’s”

No need, there is nothing new under the sun. Your side’s heart rate is up over 2020, not mine. :sunglasses:

Make sure you get congress to investigate an impeach Trump for on those pee tapes. :rofl:

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Page 146 and still no meat. Very dry read.

How are the debt and deficit looking?

Like poop, but that doesn’t really matter anymore.

Yes, as evidence by the lack of Fox-sponsored tea party rallies since 2016.

Or as evidenced by the last three administrations combined, but hey, fox and stuff.

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Lousy! For 50 years, both parties have promised to address it and both parties have run it up. They suck!!!

(This is where you try to convince me that democratic national debt increases are much better than republican debt increases. Don’t bother. I’ve already though this through. I am firmly entrench in the both parties suck camp. I have seen no evidence to suggest that either is serious… 50 years of crap.)

Also, it’s off topic.

Who got out in 2009 protesting the debt and deficit? Who sponsored such rallies? And who is now deadly silent on the matter?

There are a few threads on this already. Please stay on topic. Thanks!

Nope, not getting off the hook here. You also aren’t good at predicting responses You made an assumption, and were flagrantly partisan in doing so.

You said:

It’s on the topic of a claim you made. You made a claim, so I provided a counterpoint to that claim. I understand your desire not to discuss it, because it means not only are you WRONG that Trump has done the things he said he would do, but it also demonstrates a massive hypocrisy from those who complained about those very things under Obama, so far that Fox even sponsored TP rallies about it.

As I said before, I get it. We get it.

When you can’t debate, deflect. When facts don’t back you, project. Come on, it’s the same book they’ve been playing from for years.

I’m on topic. You made a claim in this thread, so I challenged that claim. I understand your desire to tuck tail on it.

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Every losing side since I started voting. I watched it happen right here through the last three administrations, and no one side ever skipped a beat in flipping that flop.

Right now, libs want to bring it up. When there is a dem president again, repubs will bring it up.

You wanna tell me how crappy the debt and deficit are? Preach it, brother! You wanna blame it on one side or the other? Laaaaaame.

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