Libs are you FINALLY ready to throw in the towel on Russia?

There’s a really big reason the Fox Punditry Elite will not want anyone to read the report. :slight_smile:

Have our resident criminal investigators found any crimes yet?

That’s it? You don’t want to discuss the contents of the Mueller report?

Yup. And Dumpster Donnie screaming on Twitter about dirty cops is even more disgraceful.

“Not technically criminal” - Trump/Jones 2020

I like it. You guys keep running with that.

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Yep…they’re already talking about it as we speak. And you have Axelrod out there suggest just that among few others.

Soooo, nothing criminal from what you’ve read in the report so far?

Fat donald asked Flynn to find Hillary’s e-mail and and Peter Smith were among the people Flynn contacted. Guess what happened to Smith after all of this was discovered.

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a “RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017” and timing related “TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING.”

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Do you want me to argue whether or not Trump should be impeached? Why? What’s the point of talking about it unless they actually are planning to do it? Without any action plan, all of the talk is pointless. It ain’t gonna happen. This report will be out of sight out of mind 6 weeks. We’ll be back to taxes. If you want to convince somebody, you should start with congressional democrats. They are the one who make the decision. I’m just a spectator.

Will you still support trump 100% after reading the Mueller report?

Have you found any impeachable crimes yet in what you’ve read so far?

Yes, at least 4. I will be more than happy to post the screenshots again and discuss.

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Yes. Because he has attempted or accomplished everything that he told me he would do. The country is alive and ISIS is dead. I don’t want to screw that up. The last thing we need is for someone to come in and fix what isn’t broken.

What’s illegal about what Trump asked for? It’s all part of operational research.

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I know you desperately want to believe that anything short of a perp walk from the SC report won’t impact 2020, but as above… that’s just desperation. :wink:

That said, still lots of fun to come with the 14 referrals and ongoing investigations :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Please do, I’m on page 144 and haven’t found anything other than castle banter, sans the dopes who already have charges against them.


Desperation he says. I love it. :hugs:

Good point, it’s more delusion than true desperation.

Hmm, I wonder what “tapes” they’re discussing here? :man_shrugging:
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