Liberal College Professor recommends Biden "Declare War" on Republicans

I’m gonna sync my YouTube channel and see if anything neat happens. lol


You see what he libs are trying to do here?

Jong-Fast cited Richardson’s claim that a focus on going after Republican “authoritarians threatening our democracy”

I’ve successfully labeled them as authoritarians…so now they’re attempting to reverse that label.

Yeah right. :rofl:

!!! :innocent:

And who are those authoritarians?

LOL too funny. Trying to steal my thunder.

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You get way too much pleasure from poking the bear.

I call BS on that.

Libs successfully created chaos using minorities, AKA BLM and Antifa. As such American people voted democrat to end the chaos. Classic example of left using Anarchy so they can come in and restore order…thus promoting their authoritarianism.


Why else would i argue with peeps on a conservative forum?

They haven’t yet. Somebody proposed using federal law to quell protests but he wasn’t a dem.

But i am sure that the threat of leftist violence helped Trump garner votes. I’d go even further to say that the 2018 dem gains would have been bigger but for leftist violence that summer

What I hear is you can expect about a third of traffic/revenue if lucky, but it will no longer be vulnerable to take down. I was just minding my own business and they woke me up.

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Not fascist at all!

After the reports on Brooks it’s time to find out who the nuts are in BLM and haul them off, we can start with Vaun Mayes. Anyone who condones mass violence should be hauled off, left or right politically.

Only in your imagination.

Authoritarians all use the same totalitarian tactics. They just try to sell themselves as some how being different.

Right, that’s why libs are so desperate trying to manipulate American people to believe they aren’t authoritarians.

More of your imagination.

It is folks like you that think seat belt, and bike helmet laws are authoritarian, when you turn a blind eye to the one guy, who was literally playing from the authoritarian playbook…and nearly pulled it off.

Ignorance and arrogance is an ugly and dangerous combo.

You mean like calling the free press the enemy of the people, stating that only they can fix the problems…and then always blaming the problems on the “other”. Immigrants are usually their target.

You mean the main stream media. I had a great journalism teacher. Who, what, when, where and how went into news stories, while why was suggestive and always labeled as opinion unless professed by the who that took the action reported by the other interrogatives. The IIRs (Intel Info Reports) and investigative reports I submitted were written the same way, with opinion as to motive (why) expressed as agent’s notes outside of the main body of the report. You see, whether a news story in a supposed free press, an IIR answering a National Priority Information Requirement, or an investigative report in a national security investigation, the purpose is to convey factual information to the person(s) reading/hearing the report. Intentional deception of the person(s) reading the report, through falsification, misrepresentation, or omission, of material facts is the work of a propagandist.

In a free society, propagandists are no one’s friend.

Says a pot to a kettle.