Liberal College Professor recommends Biden "Declare War" on Republicans

I disagree, they’re waiting for a viable America First alternative.

I agree with the latter.

2nd largest vote total in history.

The left spent the 60s through the 90s subverting higher education. From 2000 to present it has been about subverting federal and state bureaucracies, corporate America and lower education.


they went maga because they knew that DC could give a damn about them. this is not cultural. definitely not “educational”

“Other guy was worse” and burning cities.

Liking and voting can of course be mutually exclusive

The Culture Generators

  • Religion
  • Family
  • Media
  • Education system
  • Legal system

Yes Forgotten man. There is an issue with this thinking though not individualistic enough.

No, independents and former democrats that are still sane are hoping for a sane Trump, Republicans seem to still be all in, I hope that changes.

Burning cities? What?

Obviously they can. You voted against your own best interest over tweets.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. If I were a dem, I would be praying for Trump’s good health.

all the while drug and sex culture proliferates and becomes more mainstream.

gender becoming more and more “fluid” and ambiguous.

this is a steady march leftward, culturally, toward ruin

That’s kind of what I said, but I think you are over estimating “Republicans”. Offer them an alternative and see what happens.

Burning cities was part of why trump got that many votes. Well imagined burning cities when it was a few blocks

it’s been the issue forever, getting worse over the generations

hence, the ridicule of the “forgotten man”

the quintessential cold bucket of water thrown on a realization the non-elite made

So what? Do you not support individualism over collectivism? Freedom over liberty?

What do you care what drug somebody uses or who they rub up against? Why do you care what made up gender they call themselves?

The point here is to fight laws that force me to agree. Imposition.

They have as much right to call themselves whatever as I do to ignore them.

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Ah, probably some. For some reason a lot of people don’t seem to like that. Looting either.

If you don’t want a Trump elected, don’t burn other people’s stuff.


A few blocks, over and over and over again in Portland. And plenty of drop of the hat “peaceful” events around the country. With the left claiming that it was all justified by a laundry list of intersectional grievances against the designated villain culture.

Which is?

I disagree.

Not individualistic enough. For the man to be forgotten, he must have been thought of to begin with. Instead of… bootstrapping himself etc etc etc. it’s a fun conundrum to play with

Sure but made seem like the country was on fire

My sister who lives in NYC most of her lift moved to Jacksonville Florida with her husband. When she flew up for a visit last summer she was stunned to find out the city isn’t in ashes. Sure seemed that way on tv though