Lets put this into prespective

For instance, Westaussie just repeated a lie from the media (probably unknowingly) in talking about the travel ban being implemented in March. I’ve seen that put forth as a Trump lie… but it’s a matter of public record that it was January 31st. . . and Democrats berated him for racism.



What list are you talking about? Pick a time period and I’ll happily provide you some flat out stupid and easily disprovable lies he’s told.

How does one take out of context Trump saying that his father was born in Germany?

February, but yes you’re right it was not March. And there was no ban on Americans going back and forth. It was already here anyway.

Are you saying Trump initiated a ban for EU countries in January, 2020?

Why the hell would you institute a travel ban on a group based on an extremely low number of infections that seemed to be contained?

The Monday morning quarterbacking on Trump is just mind boggling. He’s planning and reacting and YES, some of his decisions are going to be wrong but the premise of this thread is spot on. If he’s done such a horrible job, why the hell do we have less infections than Europe? Why is it hitting here slower? Say we end up with the same infections and we just delayed it 30 days… that gives more time for medicine to hit, better treatment options… it’s STILL a win to me.

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Last I checked 59,500 in NY, and 13,400 in NJ = 73,000; nation wide = 147,000.

How did that stop people in the EU infected with the coronavirus travelling to the USA?

I was typing too quickly and also I am doing my job today so I made a mistake. There are no media lying about the implementation timeline of the China Travel ban, I simply made a mistake. Blame me.

So speed of air travel is faster to Europe. Does their light speed travel faster too?

Thing is Europe is in middle of pandemic…and Trump has nothing to do with it. But somehow Trump is responsible for ours even thou our society had many similarities.

Explain it please.

Are you not capable of reading?

Think it may have something to do with them not having a travel ban to China?

I’ve heard the same argument of the ban didn’t hit until March on videos from reporters so I’m just assuming he was repeating that lie.

You would be wrong.

And what does them having Democratic governors tell you?

Is he responsible for what happens in every state.

That is not what I said. You are oversimplifying something and then pretending to understand it. Trump is not “responsible” for “our” pandemic, no one is saying that. But time will tell if his actions and words helped or hurt. At first his bar was this is no big deal its like one person, then it was 15 people, soon to be zero, then it was we’ll be back to normal at Easter, then it was if we keep fatalities under 100,000 then we’ve done a great job. It’s all on video. It all looks terrible. Maybe his words have zero impact on anyone’s behavior, I certainly would like to believe that was true.

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You guys are having such a tough time defending his actions you can’t even afford to be coherent lol.

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Who’s fault is it that we are inadequately prepared to do proper testing? It’s the Trump administration’s fault.

Heavily densely populated areas are getting hit the worst.