Let's Put The Lie In The Grave - MAGA Fraud RIP

I love the sincerity of this. And a little jealous frankly, ha.


What specifically is near impossible to prove?

So the claims of electoral fraud echoed on this forum and across the interweb where just my imagination?

Quite right.

Merry Christmas

Run along…there’s nothing to see here. No…Antrim was a human error. No…just because Trump got the most votes in our nation’s history…Biden got 7 million more than that. Just because laws were changed outside of what our Constitution directs, there was a good COVID reason. So what if 51 retired intelligence agents were wrong about a laptop. Maybe that’s why they’re retired? Yes…the FBI colluded with Twitter and Facebook but…those are private companies. It’s all good…

Carry on people…orange man baaad.


We know, youtube tells you there was fraud ergo there was fraud.

Strange how none of these youtubers put their money where their mouth is and fund a legal challenge :thinking:

That is what that crowd does. Best to simply ignore them when they intentionally devolve into such behavior.

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When the courts ignore the constitution and make it mean whatever they want it to mean as they did, e.g., in PA?


Why have a written constitution, approved by the people, if those who it is meant to control are free to make it mean whatever they wish it to mean?

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And yet, nitwits re-elect the same corrupted bastards over and over again.

Yes John, useful idiots.

Agreed on both sides. Though does our political system attract corrupt individuals or make honest ones corrupt.

Lol yeah not the deepest of thoughts but you get my drift.

Yup. The devil made them go corrupt [sarcasm off].

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Ok, ok, ok…yes…there are 81 million Americans that really are that stupid. You win.

Nah, most have moved on. And everyone who voted for him never believed there was FRAUD!

Just a couple of million Verushkas


There is no moving on from the absolute stupidity that owns the current state of our nation.

:rofl: Kinda hard on the MAGAts aren’t you?


…as much as that sounds quite Brandonitish. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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