Let's Put The Lie In The Grave - MAGA Fraud RIP

Only when the definition of fraud is cleansed to mean whatever one wishes it to mean.

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Not hardly. MAGA defined it. And is apparently now redefining it.

Only if we agree that there was significant manipulation in a few key battleground states which decided the election.

Of social media? Which election?

There were no “battleground states” in the 2020 President election.

Your interpretation of MAGA may have.

MAGA is clearly defined, not by me.

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Did you miss which election I was talking about?

Yes. It is. “Make America Great Again”.

I thought it was clear, then you clouded it.

Don’t want governor’s usurping legislative power during states of emergency?

Elect those who won’t.

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Trump Inc.

Question: Do you have the same objections to governors declaring states of emergency for the invasion of illegals?

I did? Seem to me you posted the following in the OP

The 2020 elections were probably the most watched and audited in history.

I most certainly was talking about the 2020 election.

I’m a little surprised you’re MAGA John, given your love of the Constitution

I have objections when our constitutions, state and federal are subjugated.

Still cloudy. Which specific manipulations and what changes did they lead to?


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I dare say your projection is humorous to say the least. Aside from that, were we not talking about the 2020 election?

I’m not projecting, I’m reading. You’re reciting the Big MAGA Book of Election Fraud Without Evidence, page 42.


Pro Tip - everytime somebody calls you out on nonsense is not a “projection.”


Are you not familiar with the Constitution of PA being subjugated?