Let's Put The Lie In The Grave - MAGA Fraud RIP

Partisan nonsense.

Pick one.

Yours was more partisan than mine.

Yes of course. The fact remains that

NOT ONE VOTE WAS CHANGED BY SOCIAL MEDIA!! :rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl: :crazy_face:

I was assured dozens of times of this fact, and that it was a stupid notion to even suppose it was possible. A stupid, dumbass, chicken little, lying ■■■■■■■ idea.

Which one are you picking, the impeachment was partisan or the verdict was? Like I said, double jeopardy isn’t applicable, he hasn’t been charged because it would be laughed out of court.

Strawman, people on the right were not saying social media can’t influence an election, they were saying Russia’s piddling effort wasn’t remotely enough to change the outcome. Now if we could show they had all the social media companies doing their bidding behind the scenes that would be a different story.

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Even when evidence was put right in their faces that the effect was multiplied hundreds of times by sharing and media to the tune of over 125 million Americans being exposed to it. Talk about willful ignorance, that was a whopper.

It’s different, but “the fact remains”?

I am of the opinion that anyone not able to see through propaganda is probably too stupid to vote - in both cases.

Having said that, to me, there is a huge difference between a foreign government doing it (we do it routinely) and an internal apparatus taking sides in their bureaucratic hubris.

We have no control over foreign governments. We have lost control over ours.


I am picking facts. The fact is Trump was charged with incitement. You are the one who is D⁵ing the fact, not me.

Why do I pick. The House impeachment had 9 R voting to impeach. The Senate had 7 R voting guilty. Which one is more partisan nonsense?

You’re the only one talking about double jeopardy.

I’m not disagreeing with you at all.

I’m just a little surprised that people would have the gall to say social media had an effect on the election after all that BS in 2016.

125 million Americans.

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Freedom of speech included the freedom to listen. I don’t need the government to protect me from foreign speech thanks, I could move to a china if that was what I wanted.


China doesn’t want subversives…errr immigrants.

So riddle me this - we know the russians had huge troll farms working it hard for trump in 2016. Conservatives scoff at that having any affect on the results of the election.

Why would social media posts matter in 2020 then?

Again, they are different.

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No you don’t.

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We aren’t ostensibly in charge of Russian government. What is your argument here? That if Russia interferes in our election that makes it ok for our government to do so? Be proud.

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That The cries of interference are much like the cries about free speech

And yes the two are not the same thing. There is a difference between Russian government doing it and American bureaucrats doing it

But you guys suddenly recognizing the effect of social media isn’t real. It’s because it was allegedly done to you guys.
Much like rationalization over recent Twitter censorship of journalists.

Nonsense, Republicans spend a lot of money on social media, which totally falsifies the notion they don’t think it matters.

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Ate the effects of the centgov real?

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Of course. But we are not discussing republicans. We are discussing the public.