Let's make a list of *positive* actions politicians have taken in US cities and states

Honestly, that is a big plus no matter what party you are a member of. Things like this should transcend party lines. I wish we could see more of this on a number of issues.

I am pleased with the massive highway and road development here in California, and that we are being proactive about that infrastructure.

So, what specific benefits has that policy produced thus far?

Improved traffic and safety.

Pittsburgh has a mayor who is more interested in national issues than local ones.

Here is a pretty incriminating letter from the local print media…

Tackle the crime: A civic leader’s plea requires immediate attention | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

I’m not one to defend Bill Peduto but I know you are well aware that up until a few years ago downtown Pittsburgh was such a ■■■■■■■■ that the entire are emptied out by 7pm and now there’s a cracking nightlife scene and people living there.

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You must not have read the opening letter or some of the other coverage.

The entire point is that the public space in the cultural district has become FAR worse culminating in a double homicide after the 4th.

He raised concerns not only about the shooting but about an increase over the last year in the Cultural District in the number of homeless people, aggressive panhandling, disorderly youth, open marijuana use, lewd acts in alleyways and a rise in the number of people who are publicly intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substances — all “unchecked by law enforcement.”

The issues, he maintained, threatened “to undo the reputation and the achievements” created over the past 35 years during which the trust has been the driving force behind the transformation of a once-seedy red-light district spanning Liberty and Penn avenues into the Pittsburgh region’s premier cultural destination with venues like Heinz Hall and the Benedum Center.

Peduto’s far left policies have ruined the cultural district. Just watch the $$ dry up from all those who are now afraid to visit.


Up until two weeks ago, I lived five minutes from the Cultural District. These are the first murders in downtown in years as far as I remember.

I know you’re from western PA, I know you know how bad Pittsburgh got from the 70s to the 90s and what a wasteland downtown was until like ten years ago. I’d bet you know that what’s now called the Cultural District was a red light district full of porn shops and was a major hooker stroll.

This is why the dems never have to produce a good outcome. Knee jerk blaming republicans using fake news and their voters believe it. Just like the left blames Obama care on republicans. It’s very scary.