Let us thank ICE Officers for helping to rid our cities of criminal illegal entrants

Not an honest query or description but you knew that when you typed it.

Nonsense-and you certainly won’t be able to back that up. You’re pissy because I smacked down your nonsense.

Yeah yeah you’re awesome. If we don’t believe you, we can just ask you and you’ll tell us. Again. :roll_eyes:

Apparently drunk driving isn’t a public safety issue unless you’re a citizen. Who knew?

10 years ago. A heavy Trump area all vouched for his importance to their community. Take it up with them.

What desperate flailing you’re engaging in. Sad.

Well why didn’t you say so? That certainly changes everything! :roll_eyes:

I’m not the one using Trump supporters as justification for overlooking two criminal convictions. But thanks once again for projecting your own desperation on to me I guess.

I asked how money and time were well spent detaining a guy who is a pillar of his community. You’ve dodged and flailed instead.

Cool story bro. You’re the one flailing and instead of moving on you’re doubling down on your failed talking point.

No flailing from me. Just that and deflection and personal insults you can’t back.

At least you’re consistent. :roll_eyes:

Wife beaters and drunk drivers are the best they can come back with to assert some kind of “injustice” by law enforcement against illegal aliens. :roll_eyes:

Indeed! That is the question you asked which focuses on the exception and not the rule, and why it is an absurd question.

The vast majority of relatively recent apprehensions by ICE involve criminal activities such as murder, attempted murder, vehicular manslaughter, rape, aggravated assault, attempted robbery, battery, burglary, child abuse, domestic violence, drugs distribution, human trafficking, weapons offenses etc., not to mention the apprehension of MS-13 gang members.

Focusing on an obscure specific case, as you do, which is not reflective of the work ICE is doing on a daily basis is an intentional attempt by you to portray ICE in a negative light by focusing on the exception and not the rule.

So tell us, Mr. party-free, why are you obsessed with portraying ICE in a negative light and ignore the good work ICE officers do on a daily basis?


The primary function of a Supreme Court Justice is to be obedient to the text of our Constitution, and give effect to its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

Still licking your butthurt wound hours later, eh?

Once again:

My question has not been answered, and once against you try to play a dishonest game with me. All you seem to have, john, is dishonest games.

If your boy Obama was actually enforcing immigration law 10 years ago, your exception would have been deported already. You know that. The only one who is butthurt about this would be you and your dishonest ilk. You do represent the party of projection well with your games though. :roll_eyes:

Obama wasn’t my boy. Never voted for him.

The thing is…Obama wasn’t even president when the DUIs happened. We hadn’t even had the election yet. And don’t you believe in sinners finding forgiveness? His community has found that ability, and they find him important enough that they all went out of their way when he was detained to help him. Says a lot. No doubt you’d be the person casting the first stone.

STILL butthurt and flailing and lashing about at whatever point you think will save face. Seriously, just tuck tail and go lick those wounds.

Yeah yeah. You’re boring. Carry on.

Dear Leader thanks you for your service. Continue the flailing. It’s all you have to bitterly cling to.