Let em eat dog food

Danger, they’re living in your head.

Rent free!

Or something.

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His rallies will be fine

How could we survive without all the barking seals?

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She is much smarter than trump. She won’t take his bovine excrement and refuses to bow down to a thug.

It must be horrible to listen to one source of current events and get it all wrong. Please people, expand your research.

A third party would be nice.

With the current campaign finance laws as they are, it’s a pipe dream.

It would still be nice.

I agree completely. Still won’t happen.


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I have a wonderful opinion on what the right has done with labor laws and such

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Since you so often think you have Sean and or Trump’s ear, you should tell him companies like trump’s should stop incentivizing illegals to work them.

Because he hires illegals you know.

He’s a sham.

What is going to happen when all the Airports shut down because there isn’t enough TSA workers?

Good for them for considering other employment opportunities. Government shut downs are a hazard of federal employment. If one is not able to weather the hazard, it makes perfect sense to explore other options.

Open the government, then let the negotiations begin.

It’s a simple concept.
