Legislating Fatherhood?

None, but when my father in law moved to town having him around made the life of raising kids easier.

You can have that still with an extended family.

What about additional wives? There’s a lot of that in human history.

Social Credit score thinking is terrible.

Jail Counseling faith and marriage —NOT-- behavioral, reward punishment psychology model–educational is okay.

Enforce crimes.

Costs money.

Otherwise avoid social engineering of the woke kind

The government financially replacing the father is not the root cause. It is a flawed response borne from a system designed to take advantage of a problem instead of solving it.


What’s the root cause?

When I see this kind of concern raised on Fox interviews I tend to think that those proponents have given this a lot of thought.

Why does he need to raise any?

The problem with relations like grandparents, uncles, cousins etc. in raising children is…?

Men choosing to be fathers and not dads. It takes very little to be a sperm donor. A lifetime of investment and sacrifice to invest in the next generation as a dad.


What is the root cause of that and how do we address it?

The mother won’t let them.

I might agree to that to an extent…. But women didn’t used to put up with that because it spelled financial doom.

Now they do because of financial gain instead of loss.

Is not the “extended family” an extension of the core nuclear family? Are you suggesting that a mother and father are no longer needed if grandpa and grandma are there?

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Sure. And I would put forth the idea that’s its better.

Are you suggesting that a mother and father are no longer needed if grandpa and grandma are there?


What are you talking about?

A Coven? A Commune raising kids?

Extended families.

That’s right… children should be raised by communist witches؟

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Nobody here should be deluding themselves - if progressive Democrats could legally sterilize those who dissent, they absolutely would without a second thought.

Define your term.

I’m sorry, what?

Extended family is relations like grandparents, uncles, cousins, stepparents and siblings.

Of course.

I was commenting to Fallen Turtle diminishing mother and father.

That’s what dictionaries are for.