Legalizing Psychedelics

I’m not talking in generalities. I’m saying the extremes that psychedelics affect your decision making goes way beyond weed

TO be fair he said straight up it was just some laced weed.

Right…I guess I just dont like the light hearted talk about it in the context of legalization. People should know what they are getting into and not just willy nilly drop acid like smoking a joint

I would not recommend either in any activity that needs decision making, that was the point. Daily use of weed and tolerances can blur this considerably.

I get it but you’re being waaay too general. The specific realities of LSD vs weed are that LSD can have a much more massive effect. There are additional risks and dangers that go beyond weed, for most/many people, that legalizing it grants more societal risk.

Yes i have. But it’s rare. I’ve never seen someone go completely insane, full psychosis, on weed for 8 hours. Can it happen? Of course. But can it happen it much larger frequency and intensity on LSD. OH YES.

Especially if it’s some random joe shmo who just wants to try it out and knows nothing

I take it you have never witnessed someone have a full panic attack and demand an ambulance from consuming weed? I have.

I get where you are coming from, you wan’t to have a little better plan and understanding before tripping, but I think people discount marijuana too much, especially for people who have not used it.

I get severe anxiety from weed unfortunately. And a lot of it is I think PTSD from bad trips. I’ve probably tripped 20-30 times. Almost laid down in a fire once because I convinced myself death was an illusion.

And then to think that alcohol blows both away in terms of harming oneself or others.

I mean sure, but we’ve never had LSD legalized and as readily available as alcohol. Not as many people do psychedelics as alcohol either. So you really dont know. Almost everybody smokes weed or knows many people who do.

I think what would be beneficial for everyone is micro dosing with a licensed therapist / guide or something. It can be extremely therapeutic if used appropriately

I’m glad you have all the answers that work for you. :slight_smile:

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It was the strain LSD, not laced. Just weed.

I’ve never even heard of anyone smoking actual lsd. lol

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Probably because it doesn’t/can’t work according to a quick search of several websites where the question was asked. It is (apparently) heat sensitive and even leaving it out in the sun can destroy it.

I’d add MDMA in there as well. Especially in a safe, professional, and therapeutic environment so many of these drugs have the potential to do way more good. Especially for severe PTSD and other conditions that are recalcitrant to traditional therapy.

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legalize suicide, then legalize euthanasia

Are you in the right thread? Physician assisted suicide is legal in some states now. There are restrictions of course, but if you’re terminal with 6 mo or less to live, you can get the drugs.

In my sophomore year of high school I remember this kid “Steven” standing up in class in the middle of class and just start screaming at the top of his lungs while throwing his text books at random people. Needless to say we all ran out of the room and I remember sitting outside the classroom while teachers were rushing in trying to calm him down as they escorted us out of the building as we heard the sirens of the police and ambulance coming.

It was a few days later I found out poor Steven had taken LSD and had to go to the emergency room under police supervision, thanks to Steven I never tried LSD.