Left-wing hypocrites. Yes I said Left-wing hypocrites

That is correct.

It was wrong then.

It is wrong now.


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Agreed. It makes me feel all the much better that I didnt vote for either of them.


And it will be wrong the next time it is used as well

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Exactly! I love when these attempts at a “gotcha” moment blow up in their face lol


But your wrong.
There were several tried to spin this well that was thirty years ago we have evolved. We even had one that tried the spin of well they placed these certain words in front of lynching so that makes it different.
I think that the term lynching has no racial component and the left use the word to try and silence people that they don’t want to speak.
I’m sure that there were a lot more lynching’s in the United States during the years that the west was settled. And I’m sure most of the people lynched in those days had a lighter skin tone. Ever hear Judge Roy Bean the hanging judge?


Another one who believes in a double standard.


It’s what it comes down too…they’re justifying their own hypocrisy.


The fact that we’re condemning both sides for the same thing is proof of our hypocrisy? :man_facepalming: That word obviously doesnt mean what you think it does

Lost cause. When all power is switched to Trump World Narrative Deflector Screens, even the most obvious truths are powerless to penetrate them.

More personal insults.

No. I’m commenting on the contents of your post. It is literally the opposite of hypocrisy occurring in this thread

False. Don’t make false statements.

There is only one hypocrisy in this thread, and it has nothing to do with one side or the other.


This simply is not true.

You don’t get to tell us what is true or not. Some of us see a lynch mob, like a cattle rustler or horse thieves…and certain group sees it as hanging blacks.

Libs don’t get to decide how we see/view things in life.

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That is hilarious. Freaking awesome. A lynch mob is like horse thieves.

Or maybe like pet shooters? That’s a lynch mob too!

Thanks for the laugh! I needed this today.



Not a personal insult. :roll_eyes:


A lynching is a lynching is a lynching. Whether it’s blacks or cattle rustling…it still is putting to death by mob…and not due process…which the president is not correct in saying he is being lynched. Either way you slice it…lynching is and was wrong…except for in the lawless west.

Due Process…a right we all have. The president will get his when they vote to impeach him. So far no vote has been done, and he is NOT BEING IMPEACHED AT THIS TIME.


When I see a post like this, in a thread like this, it’s obvious where the blatant hypocrisy thrives.


It’s a matter of opinion, one that libs do not get to determine for us.

It’s not duo process when they do thing behind closed doors Soviet Style. Say didn’t you advocate transparency one time?