Left-wing hypocrites. Yes I said Left-wing hypocrites

Seems like everyone here is saying no one should use it. So…double standard?

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Trump says things that inflame Democrats and on cue Democrats go ballistic. Its an old story by now.


I was like 10.
am I not allowed to be outraged because of stuff that happened when I was a child?

People are not allowed to evolve.

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To be fair, the things he says are terrible. It’s sad to me that more people don’t feel distress that the president of the United States says these cruel, stupid things.


Its also been like 30 years since those clips took place are you suggest society hasn’t changed since then?

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It a few days Trump will be all like, “They say you can’t say ‘lynching’, but we know what it is”.

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It’s their normal standards…one for them and one for others not them. And they hold not them to higher standards.

That’s the 90’s.

Please don’t act the way you did in the 90’s.


I’ll act the way I want.

I’m imagining you in parachute pants from now on then.


Literally every “lib” in this thread condemns anyone saying it. Another limp gotcha moment that you will have a conversation all around while ignoring what anyone actually said.


You’re forgetting one critical aspect, Trump is going to get away with this lynching comment like he gets away with everything.

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Well, there IS that. And they called Reagan the Teflon president. Inexplicable.

I condemn the use of the term Lynching to by any politician to describe a impeachment. There I said it. Now what?


I also condemn the use of the term Lynching by any politician to describe an impeachment.


The word is highly offensive no matter who uses it. The fact that both Hillary and Trump used it just shows neither of them deserve to be anywhere near a leadership position. People like that just put their extreme immaturity on display for the world to see.


Maybe he should have to face the consequences of the others mentioned in these examples. Whatever happened to Nadler, let Trump suffer the same.

Or we could accept that the term lynching has no racial component and get over the fake outrage.

A lynching is just a mob(Not organized crime) killing.


The bell should ring when you realize none of them are the president.