Lee Zeldin is assaulted on while campaigning

I dunno. You tell me:

To those of you watching at home, please note Conan’s deflection from his deflection. :laughing:


And yet a half naked guy dressed up like a Bison standing in the middle of the Capitol not trying to hurt anyone has to be treated as an insurrectionist and immediately locked away.


Libs and liberals are not the same.

Libs is derogatory slang for Authoritarian left-wing Neo-maxist pretending to be liberal…and this forum has many of em, but only very few liberals. As I said lots of libs thou.


You see the hypocrisy too?

He wasn’t “immediately locked away”. He was charged with a federal crime that he later pleaded guilty too.

I suspect this gentleman awaits a similar fate.

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Okay. I don’t accept, nor am I required to accept this stupidity. In any event, your point is made and thank you.

Now, back to what you are desperately trying to distract us from.

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You sure that’s what happened? He was released with or without bail, was he?

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Again you’re trying to deflect what I said here…I’m accusing libs here of hypocrisy.

That’s like accusing a fish of being wet. It’s just who they are.

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Ah, I stand corrected.

But I got the second part right, the gentleman who attacked Zeldin is now locked up too.

Notice how they get called out…and what em how fast they deflect.

Okay. In the meantime you all got played by the good congressman, and all you can do now is impotently rage at Liberals. :laughing:


Got played? Coming from a member of a party that spent 3 years screaming “Russia…Russia…Russia…” because Hillary paid for a fake dossier, that’s rich.


Not liberals…Neo-Marxist authoritarians pretending to be liberal.

Oh look, more deflection.

Do you think that you are clever?

Oh, and also I am a member of no party.

But yet you side with Neo-Marxist authoritarians every single time.

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Yeah, you can stop with this. I am never going to acknowledge, nor conform to this foolishness.


Did you, or did you not express the opinion that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?

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No I’m not going to stop with this…it’s catching on.

Is that a problem for you?

What if I did?

It doesn’t change the fact that six years later, the good congressman played you all
©. :laughing: