Lawyer for MAGAbomber's family: 'He found a father in Trump'

When one blows a dog whistle long enough, the dogs will come.

Yep. It’s not even very complicated.

“just about anything”

Lock her up! Just about anything.

SOROS is an enemy of the People! Just about anything.

Obama is a secret muslim foreigner! Just about anything.

CNN is fake news and an enemy of America! Just about anything.

None of that motivates a remotely stable person to start sending bombs. Are you going to pretend the left and democrats never demonize Republicans because, please.

your goalposts are getting away from you.

Nope, they are firmly in place. Even mild criticism can set off a nut. Political discourse shouldn’t be tailored around that unfortunate fact. Now close your eyes and pretend democrats never demonize Republicans. You guys have been accusing Trump of being a rapist and a traitor since before he took office. Should you knock it off because it might motivate a nut to try and kill him? Let me guess, that’s (D)ifferent.

Because Trump’s message is only heard by stable people

Are democrats only heard by stable people? Should they stop demonizing Republicans? Or is that (D)ifferent?

Which “guys” have the bully pulpit of the POTUS?

No they should not be saying to attack Republicans even if it is being used a a metaphor and I have said so repeatably. Sorry but only one of us is providing cover for their side’s mouth breathers

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Right, people only hear Presidents, I keep forgetting.

You realize this is a terrible “argument,” don’t you?

Man, sure glad you didn’t leave any words out - like whistle. Cause that would have been X-rated. I know - I have a dirty mind.