Lawyer for MAGAbomber's family: 'He found a father in Trump'

I believe that they desperately want to separate themselves from the crime. The perp has a father- apparently, according to your post. That was his father figure, dude. And what did his family teach him. How did they treat him? Of course they want to blame someone else. Why not … the boogeyman himself.

No one was harmed by the something like 14 failed bomb devices, so you are not talking about the pipe bomber when you talk about people being murdered. The killer in Pittsburgh loathed Trump, so I don’t really know how that would affect either voting for or against Republicans or Democrats.

I guess nobody should speak publicly at all, unstable people can be set off by just about anything.

He’s probably spent about as much time with us as children as he did his own. So really in a way he was a father to all of us.

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What sort of sick individuals would use bodies or other gruesome imagery to drum up votes? That sort of histrionic appeal to emotion is just crude.

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Maybe Papa Donald will pay for MAGAbomber’s legal fees.

I do hope so, they were just “bombs” and not bombs, after all. A harmless joke. We’ll probably all laugh about it in a few years.

No one was harmed?

Trump should pardon the guy. He’s obviously getting a raw deal.

“Bombs” is just a drinking game between high school friends.


hey, when we discover the mob or muslims attempt a mass assassination (and fail) we let them go home. why not the MAGAbomber?

It’s bizarre.

Would folks be so cavalier about this had the Bombs been sent to George W Bush, George HW Bush, Colin Powell, chuck Grassley, Kevin Mc Carthy, Fox News, Ted Nugent, and a couple of leaders of the intelligence community under George W?

of course not.

something else i’ve been thinking about is i’m gonna love being at places like this when a Democrat is President again and they do the Trump on Rush and Fox. it will be hilarious.

Right on! Just like the shoe bomber didn’t murder anyone either!!!

#ShoeBomber#MAGABomber :us:

I’m absolutely convinced that had these bombs been sent to past and present conservative/Trumpist/Republican politicians, these same Trumpists would be telling each other “nothing to get excited about here - the bombs didn’t go off, so no big deal.”

(said absolutely no one ever)

I’m sure they would have the sane response if these bombs were sent to their immediate family members…”no big deal, these bombs didn’t explode, nothingburgers”


Lovin’ the #Magabomber thing by the way. The terrorist probably will too.

when your argument starts with “his bombs didn’t explode so…”

well, you know.

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if the deep state won’t lock her up, makes sense that patriots…er nationalists… would need to take matters into their own hands

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The uber-aliented are always seeking someone to blame for their misfortune (real or imagined). When irresponsible politicians lay the blame squarely at the feet of one political party, they are giving the unwell validation and, one might say, targets.

Reference was made by a poster to people being murdered. The mail bomber did not murder anyone. It is not cavalier or excusing what he did to in fact state the truth about what he did instead of allowing some false representation of it.

“Trump should pardon the guy. He’s obviously getting a raw deal.”
Many posters sole points are made through the straw men they create.