Lawless and Corruption

So for 4-5 years now, we’ve witnessed a sewage-flume of GOP/rightwing lies, corruption, grift, threats, and criming. You can take a sample from many places, as when a person has ingests a large amount some horrible toxin. Where do you even begin with such failure, mendacity, and plain weirdness on so many levels? But it’s worth reflecting on the following image: three of the President’s campaign managers/chiefs . . . in handcuffs.

This is not normal or acceptable in any way. The President is a colossal liar and con-artist, surrounded by other corrupt, awful people. This is the GOP—and they love the awfulness. They coulda had essentially the same terrible conservative policies/judges with Marco Rubio or whoever. But it was more important to nominate one of the biggest, most corrupt, broken, and pathological tools in American public life over the last 30+ years. Again, remember that if Trump loses, and our esteemed Republicans start in with:
• I never supported him!
• He’s a liberal!
• I’m not a Republican! I’m a constitutional conservative!
• He was an outlier; we need to move on!
• (Insert retooled garbage from 2009-2010).

Enjoy the legacy, Republicans (i.e., all of you who’ve defended, enabled, justified, rationalized, and both-sided your way through the last 4 years).

HAVE A NICE DAY! :slight_smile:


Add this nugget to the list.

  • The 44-year-old is also being investigated for ‘pocketing’ another $10 million from the Republican National Committee, the insiders added

Yep too bad, sad even. However it is still light years better then the alternative.

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Fake news, that photo in the middle doesn’t even look real.


The left has never understood that there are millions of voters that might agree with all of this, but still believe that progressive rule is exponentially worse. Those votes are anti-Democratic Party, not pro-Trump. So long as we’re stuck with a two-party system, there isn’t an alternative.


I could have included Corey Lewandowski, who was charged with battery in 2016, but I gave him a mulligan, even though he doesn’t deserve it.


Who sold you that?

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Sadly, you are correct.

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From personal experience of actually having to work around Clinton when she was the First Lady.

There is no difference between “anti-Democratic Party” and “Pro-Trump.” Look what you made us do! No one forced anyone to do this: that’s spouse-abuser logic. The GOP chose Trump, handed him the party, enabled every absurd lie and grift and abuse of power. That’s entirely the fault of those who voted for him, and support him, not the Democrats or anyone else. This is what I’m talking about: just own it. Quit blaming others.


And they have unwittingly killed off conservatism, probably forever.

It will live on as a term, but it won’t have anything to do with conservative ideology.


I didn’t vote for Trump, but I won’t vote for any Democratic politician in 2020 either. Clean your own house.

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Why can’t we as republicans do better?

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We should be able to but you have to play the hand delt.

Where do Republicans go from here? They’ve giving up on anything related to science or facts or economics; nothing about their ideology squares with reality so they are left attacking facts, science and reality.

They’re losing the culture wars.

All they have left is fanning the flames of racial division until it becomes a Southern regional party.


At least it isn’t the Republicans burning businesses down.


You can say that all you want. It’s 2020. The Republicans cashed the We had no choice! It’s not our fault! check back in 2009/10 with the fake Tea Party. If you think, in the face of the abject, grotesque failure of the GOP, anyone is going to buy that in the future, you’re kidding yourself. Yeah, it works here, and maybe among some fake “independents,” or whoever, but it won’t hold up outside the wingnut hothouse—and that will only become more true with time.


What exactly does the Harris/Biden ticket offer as an alternative? Riot forgiveness? Court packing? Eliminating energy sector jobs? Medicare for the world? California’s green energy failures? Generational inner city violence? Nationwide defunding of law enforcement? All of these policies are demonstrative failures in Democratic run cities. “Trump bad” just isn’t enough when anybody can take a look at current Democratic governance.


None of those are actual policies. So maybe we start there. In reality. Where the GOP hasn’t participated in for awhile.

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The path I’m witnessing of liberal run cities and states was the path the country was on. I could plainly see it for what it was and said so for years. In 2016, Trump came along and I thought…you bastards in DC…all of you…here…take this and I voted for Trump. What I didn’t expect was the level of productivity he’d do, to change the course the country was on.

I don’t give a rat’s ass what any politician or supporter who condones the type of government that would watch their cities burn and get looted and do nothing about it has to say. Their opinion is useless to the country and there is no other choice that is placed before the people…besides Trump.

Choosing Biden, is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results and although many may not like my political choice, I’m not crazy.