Las Vegas shooting

We know you certainly don’t. You simply make it up as you go along and always in an attempt to demonize them.

Liberals love to have a bogeyman to blaim for their own inadequacies.

If you were to “really know how lobbying works”…I could smell you? Now go ahead and ask me? :sunglasses:

Halloween has now killed twice as many people in one incident as Las Vegas AWG

Guns don’t kill people; people do.

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Bunch of damn mouth breathers.

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This is a ridiculous conclusion. Anyone believe this?

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I suspect that it will take at least 60 years to find out the true motive for the attack.


If I’m going to a casino to gamble, I normally sneak an arsenal into the room just in case the hotel needs a good lesson.

Yeah…… not buying that story with someone else’s wallet.


I believe some anonymous gambler told them that, which when you read the article is all it is based on. Good thing the news is digital these days, I would hate to think trees died to print that.


It’s no more ridiculous than any other plausible reason why someone would haul an arsenal of guns into a hotel room and shoot hundreds of people massed in a confined space below. When crazy things happen, almost anything can be the reason behind it.

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Coming up on another anniversary. Still no answers.

What are your outstanding questions?


Strange coincidence?

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More like unlucky.

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I saw a meme with this and wondered if it could possibly be true.

I guess it is.

Just shows how government bureaucrats always land on their feet no matter how bad a job they do.

Some say there is no such thing as a coincidence.

. . . the Maui government is covering up the deaths. The source had just returned from a big meeting on Oahu convened to coordinate the response to the disaster. The source said that there are 2000 people missing and that FEMA estimates at least 1-2000 dead on Maui, especially Lahaina. It was essentially burned to the ground and the residents were told to shelter in place.
Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui? | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson

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If we add in an obvious cover up this does look really ominous.

It looks like the ignition focus is on the EV grid.

The Maui fire reminds me of the description of the fire storm at Dresden during WW2. The way people survived was to soak their winter coats in water and run through the burning city. People who chose to shelter in place were incinerated.