Larry Elder concede and suggest the election was rigged, before a single ballot was counted

This reality you made up is so far from the reality of California….

I guess you just don’t realize how big Los Angeles, San Diego or San Francisco are…

If you don’t want to see homelessness…for example… you can literally avoid it without breaking a sweat. Just go one block or street over. Then enjoy the beach.

Or you can go in the mountains and never see any homelessness.

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Yeah…it’s awesome if you are ok with stolen elections, eventual dictatorship, & the coming reset.

It’s gonna’ be great!

Thanks Capitalism!

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Tell that to the residents & business owners of those areas…Therein lies the problem, the left doesn’t care about who suffers from their policies.

Good luck backing the winner. It is my understanding that California has the biggest economy of all the states in the USA. If that is correct it is hard to reconcile that fact with some of the comments about California in this thread

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VERY far from capitalism under the Constitution, YOUR twisted definition is what you are using.

Lots of laughs. I don’t think the homeless could afford the admission fee Del Mar charges.

Homelessness in California is a huge problem. No doubt about it. I saw it two years ago when I was in Los Angeles.


Texas is about to pass them. California is going down. 63% of small businesses permanently closed. If Texas was a country it would have one of the largest economies on earth by itself.

Yup, you just made my point, the elites don’t have to experience the results of their own policies, that’s for the middle class to live through.

To put it in prospective, California GDP is more than twice Australia’s.


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Like I said: Texas is about to pass them. California is going down. 63% of small businesses permanently closed. If Texas was a country it would have one of the largest economies on earth by itself.

And if Texas and California were separate countries, California’s economy would be bigger than Texas’s economy.

Sigh… AGAIN: Texas is about to pass them. California is going down. 63% of small businesses permanently closed. If Texas was a country it would have one of the largest economies on earth by itself.

Funny you didn’t quote me in your answer…

I responded to your post in the way I normally respond to posts on this forum.

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What is your definition of capitalism?

I never understood why California never took a lesson from NYC and created an extensive shelter network.

And the shelter network that NYC has is wildly inadequate.

I can’t imagine how much worse it would be without it though.


None of the people you believe are your enemies are cool with the coming conservative/nationalist autocracy.

It’s also all so strange that people who believe themselves ‘constitutionalist’ magick up some capitalism out of a document written by mercantilist protectionists.


This was from a former Marxist.