Ladies and Gentleman

Why is the GOP candidate has tagging it then?

Also - Lol.

Everything is a leftist plot.

Pedophiles exist.

They are not in the basement of that pizza shop where Clinton supposedly lured kids to and drank their blood.

This is what I’m talking about. Minimize the issue by mixing it with craziness.

Right, but a GOP candidate just has tagged it.

PIzzagate was famously pushed by the Left Wing.

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GOP, DNC, whatever. Both are majority globalists and collectivists. There has to be boogey-men on both sides and all it takes are goofy hashtags like MAGA and Q to get the other side all worked up.

I am confused… who is QAnon supposed to get worked up?

Do you live in Pennsylvania?

Well, whether you do or not, you need to stop posting now because it’s obvious you don’t know who Doug Mastriano is- otherwise you wouldn’t have made such a ridiculous post.

:rofl: :rofl:

I would assume it depends on context.

I think this poster’s internal momentum kept them moving towards this ridiculous post.



And that’s why the Q stuff preceded y’all’s concern by four, five years and y’all now saying the exact same words. Groomer. Pedophile. Secret cabal.

That is supposed to be Trump. Trump must always be depicted as young and muscular and handsome when drawn by Trumpers and that’s not sus at all.

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I’m just really concerned about this exact same thing and am using the same terms and slogans word for word and my candidates are openly declaring their allegiance to it and that, sir, is a total coincidence.

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Nonsense. I live in western PA and barely have heard of Mastriano.

It looks nothing like Trump.

Pretty stupid…not even a tint of orange.

Apparently the left.

You’re right, I don’t know who he is and I don’t care. Apparently he’s got the Dems in PA clutching their pearls with his threatening hashtags. :rofl:

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I don’t get worked up.

It is people on the right that bought that load of nonsense.

Fake. Not orange enough.