Ladies and Gentleman

Not so preponderant anynore but it’s not a good sign when a candidate for governor of a state is hashtagging them.

And that’s why less than two years after they hit mainstream acceptance in your party, y’all calling everyone groomers and accusing liberals of being in secret pedophile cabals, exactly like the Q people.

Because it’s not real.

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Those were Leftist Plants.

If at first you don’t succeed… :+1: :rofl:

Did you see the correction?

No but I’m sure it’s a perfectly reasonable explanation about how QAnon doesn’t influence the GOP. Now let’s base our entire GOP midterm strategy around save the children and calling liberals pedophiles in the exact same way QAnon did. Down to using the exact same expressions.

OK. Good.

I like how they always make Trump young and handsome and in shape. Quite interested in the young male form it seems.

It’s all just a massive coincidence y’all repeating QAnon talking points.

Try not to force the narrative too hard. Let it sell itself.

Shapiro is a shoe in anyway. Pennsylvania likes lockdowns and green energy policy and spending a bit more for gas is just a small sacrifice for a better tomorrow for all the fetuses that will never see it.


…none of the cameras were working, the guards all fell asleep and Jeffrey hung himself with his feet still on the ground.

It is crazy how far Bill Barr went to protect Donald Trump.

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Woke folks spin up lots of odd notions. Be careful of those notions Mr. Jay. They are definitely not good.

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Good luck in trying to distract with some other argument so I stop pointing out that the whole GOP including y’all are repeating QAnon propaganda verbatim.

Oh, a yuge chance! PA screwed up worse than I thought. :rofl:

If I was trying to publicly minimize the legitimate problem of pedophiles it would be a genius move to create a fringe movement that relegates the issue to “crazy Q stuff”.

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Hoo boy

Is that supposed to be trump? Doesn’t look a thing like him.

Or is that the candidate?


Exactly. People who believe pedophiles exist are just crazy right-wingers. Don’t they know the politically-correct term is “different-age lovers”?

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