Kurds Didn't Help At Normandy

We need to get out of the ME and cut the military budget.


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Germany did. We have a lot of troops in Germany for some reason.

Ah, crap. I didn’t help at Normandy either… :rofl:

Whether they wanted to participate or not, :rofl:

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Yeah The Onion. Spot on. They’re not even doing satire anymore:

Spain was “neutral” during WW2 as well.

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No, you go protect the Kurds.

They did help us in both WWI and WWII.

And will get Kurds killed.

Foreign policy is so hard.

WhO kNeW?!?!


The reality is that Turkey was going to do this no matter if the US stayed 2 days or 2 decades.

We intruded into the Syria sphere and I am glad to get back out of it.

The last administration put us in a precarious spot.

Better to restore the region to its historical level of fighting and animus.


He should be impeached for ignorance, I’d love to know where he picked up that tidbit.

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If that were all he said, then unacceptable.

I’ll bet there was a whole lot more to that response that the words the Post chose to frame their spin though.

A right-wing blog.

He apparently trusts those “sources” more than his own intelligence staff and advisers.

Dude. Quit being obtuse. Trump just facilitated more Kurdish deaths. You remember the Kurds who used to be our allies?

Didn’t seem to bother you a bit when the last administrations’ FP resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and the largest refugee crisis since WWII.

What I said is completely accurate, get over it.

Hooray for you, you win the internet by catching a typo.

The comparison was inept but you won’t see that.

Relax. It’s funny. Especially funny that you typed it.

Freudian slip perhaps?