Kooky Cortez.. Loves govt force, Not liberty

When I saw on Twitter who was freaking out about this video, I was like “Found the incels”.



Streisand effect.

I just wish one of you lefties will tell me how long an electric heater would last in an electric car caught in a snow storm? Seems 25 F is pretty common in the east and north.


Nucular ■■■■■

Dunno, maybe they just like thinking only Conservative women are hot, you know by comparing Fox news blondies to RBG or HRC.

I can’t figure out why the GOP see incels, MGTOWs and various scumbag online communities as their demographic future but he we are I guess.


Forcals. That’s totally going to take off. You’re really good at this.

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She won because the demographic of your party has changed. She’s your future. Families raised on Cuban and latin American leftist propaganda.

Endless coverage on FNC and social media. Her name recognition is going through the roof.

That’s partly how Trump got in.

She is closing in on 2 million followers on Twitter, she’s doing well.

Theres cutting a deal with the devil and then there’s actively recruiting online communities based around misogyny, racism, pedophilia and rape as your next generation of young voters. Not to mention the whole white supremacist thing.

HAHHAHA I just looked up the definition of “Incel”, thats perfect!

You got no idea how bad those guys really are. And they’re way more prevalent than you might think. They literally call themselves black pillers to denote how much more hardcore and crazy they are than red pillers.

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That is correct… she isn’t a white Christian male… she does represent the future of America.

Folks I figured out why she scares them… but then again… we just elected the most diverse congress ever. They should pick on other people also…

are white Christian male’s bad?

No, but that’s not what I said.

You aren’t good at this…

A bit off topic, but I hear that she doesn’t have enough money to pay for housing in Washington D.C…call me cruel, but I hope that she has to sleep on a couch in her office. It might force her to learn about economics. But then again, it may not. She’ll probably set up a Go Fund Me for that, too.

And comparing herself to FDR was disgusting. If she’s truly for social justice, She wouldn’t begin to associate with FDR because of what he did to the Japanese during WWII.

Okay. You’re cruel.


She’s just being selective in her idea of FDR, just like what Conservatives do with Reagan.