Kevin McCarthy has the solution to the shutdown

You don’t understand your own thread, but it’s not all your fault - you listened to McCarthy, who understands neither the cause nor the solution for the shutdown.

Congress doesn’t need to work on a bill, a good one already exists. The Senate passed it last month, the House this month. The Senate needs to re-pass it, whenever McConnell quits being Trump’s poodle and resume doing his job.
McCarthy in the meantime could stop pretending Trump and his failure isn’t the problem here.

Obviously not good enough. Or it would have passed. Each side needs to give a little. Neither is going to have it all their way. You know compromise. I think that staying put for days or weeks will cause one side to finally give a little. To go home and enjoy days off while people are not getting payed should be embarrassing to them.

The bill did pass, the Senate last month, the House a couple weeks ago. McConnell was told Trump would sign it, so he brought it to a vote. Then Laura Ingraham made fun of Trump, so he reneged on his deal. So McConnell refused to bring the bill up again, to repass House version, even though it was identical to Senate-passed version. Which passed with veto-override vote tally.

No, not at all. Said bill had $1.6 billion for wall funding - already a compromise.

This is the problem: you can’t negotiate with a dishonest hostage-taker like Trump. You have to tell him: that’s it mister, now go to your room until you’re ready to come out, apologize, and behave.

Meanwhile the parents should relax while they wait. They aren’t the problem here.

The house already has done their job.

Now its time for the senate and President to do theirs.
