Kentucky to quarantine anyone attending easter services

OK. :man_shrugging:

They mistakenly believe their liberty is being attacked, when in fact, the opposite is true. If we let this pandemic spread as quickly as it would without the restrictions, everybody,s liberties will be at stake and to a much greater extent.

Victimology 101

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Because they dont understand the difference between a general mandate and a specific one. If the church is being singled out, theres and issue. If not, churches need to chill. The only exception is if the state is using the language “essential” vs. “nonessential”.

Of course, if the church understands its higher mandate (and most do), we dont need mandates from the civil authority to do what we should already be doing.

This step only makes sense if the Kentucky is already quarantining people who are coming from the New York area.

If they are not taking that step, then it clear that the objective is to restrict freedom of religion and freedom of assembly rather than actually preventing transmission of the disease.

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thats debatable.

They don’t think their liberty is being attacked?

Seems Kentucky is following the Korean model


As far as I know … no.

Correct, “houses of worship closed”.
That does not mean worshippers will not gather elsewhere.

… or yourself.

I doubt he was saying that at all.

But what if it is? So what?

Sarcasm is lost on you I see.

Hard to tell when it’s surrounded by daily TDS posts. Maybe I should just consider everything from you a joke.

this is the part thats debatable

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democrats love that they can play the parts of their favorite global dictators now


You are wrong.

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Haha. And a happy Saturday to you too!

That’s really not nice.

Can you provide any basis for that assertion. There are a few militant atheists but the abhor all religion. I know Christians treasure the notion that they are oppressed in America but that oppression ends up resting on assertions such as a rolling that impacts every religion somehow is anti-Christian

I live in a state where we have a strict lockdown and overflowing hospitals. I worry that other states and groups that are refusing to follow medical advice will eventually have to follow the rules we have been observing for almost a month. That, in turn, will probably keep us in lockdown longer.

Christian belief includes caring about your fellow man. I wish people looked at this weekend not only in terms of the impact of their actions on the themselves but there impact on other people.

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Meanwhile our democratic governor is encouraging people to go fishing together since the license fees go straight to the state.

But we can’t walk six feet apart on a golf course, apparently.